Otakon 2009 | Pt. II

Sep 13, 2008 14:44

ARGGGGGGGGGGG. I had this thing all written up and then my computer decided to be an ASSHOLE and freeze. So now what was a short re-cap of the last two days of Otakon is going to be even shorter. D< Stupid computer. Stupid Internet not working.

Anyway. Saturday morning consisted of us [Rose, Kris, Imouto, and I] walking about 2.5 miles, give or take, around Baltimore to find a art store so that Kris could get some silver clay to make the skull that goes around Kid's neck for her cosplay... because she somehow lost it. So we walked and took the long way because directions suck when they're for driving and not walking. We took the much shorter way back. 8| But even so, I managed to miss the entire 2 hour long Photoshop panel. =__=

Rose left us early [after the stop at the convenience store so she could get candy] for her Panel. By the time we got tot he store and walked back, I was tired and took a break in the hotel. When we went to her panel, it was full orz and so I missed that, too. Which is also fail cus I wanted to go and see her rickroll the audience.

So, after that failure, I went to get autographs for people I had no idea who they were for Cheza's chibi and ended up having to mail that to her cus I didn't get a chance to for reason's I'll explain later. Then we went and got food [I think] and then it was time for cosplay. Cosplay was fun, some of them anyway, and it was heartening to see the chibi's on stage. 8D The Sakura cosplayer who sand Utada Hikaru's KH song [in Japanese] got one of those cheesy cellphone lighter sways that really boosted her confidence. It's times like those I'm proud to be an otaku and can ignore the faggotry of the people online since at least SOME of them act like they have common sense in person.

After cosplay, which was long as hell, we fled to McDonald's for an orange hi-c drink [Mmmm] then to a ghetto store for sandwiches. My grilled cheese was delicious. o__o I was going to go tot he rave, but meeeh lazy so we want back to the hotel instead where I proceeded to cry over forgetting the Soul Eater gathering that happened at 10:30 during cosplay. ;___; There are pictures though, which I need to upload >_> from Cheza's camera. And Kris/Imouto took some there, too, soooo...

Then, we stayed up 'til 3 am, talking and disturbing those who had common sense enough to sleep while we packed. Eventually, we crashed and the next morning I rolled out of bed late. I missed Rose's second panel [epic fail] AND missed saying goodbye to Manda cus her shuttle left at 11:15 and NOT 12. =____= We took a final look around of the dealer's room and artists gallery. Kris MISSED her bus because she is forever on CP time.

We went to lunch [the final lunch] at the mall where I ran away from Kris cus she was Femio. I did managed to grope Kris, Cheza, and Jen, but Jen's boobs were tied down. D8 So it wasn't as fun. Damn Lavi cosplay. 8| Kris managed to get another bus and when we were packing all the shit into the car, I try to shoo her away so she doesn't miss her SECOND bus and well, what do you know. =_= She waited until the last minute and I had to drive her to the stop where she AGAIN, missed her bus. ⌐_⌐ *this would be me glaring at you Kris. Yes. GLARING*

So I ended up having to leave her there =__= but she somehow managed to get home. Fortunately. But either way, while I was chaferring her around, I missed saying goodbye to Cheza and Rose, and the others had to wait for me to get back because I had all the money for parking. Suffice to say, when I got back I was all D< because I had wanted to leave in a timely fashion for once.

But we didn't. =_= The ride home was fast because I sped like a mother fucker. 3 hours up. Fucking 2 hours back, I swear. That week of work was fail, too, because Otakon serious threw off my schedule. 8|

Anyway, my spoils of war Otakon are:

Blade of the Immortal 16-19
Eternal Sabbath 8
Loveless 6-7
Monster 15
Love [4 volume]
Scrapped Princess Novels [1-2]
Shakugan no Shana 2-3
Short-Tempered Melancholic
Time Stranger Kyoko
Your & My Secret [1-2]

Le Chevalier D'eon [4, 5]

Akatsuki Konoha Shirt Front | Back
This is how I roll shirt


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