Title: The Time That Merlin Met Jack
Fandom: Merlin (BBC) / Torchwood (BBC) Crossover
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin, Jack/Merlin
Author: Kagedtiger
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to the BBC, not to me. Dr. Who belongs to the BBC, not me.
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for Arthurian myth and for the end of Season 2 of Torchwood. Also, warning: kind of angsty
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Comments 15
And you just know what's missing now, don't you? That one epic, eventual meeting when nobody has to wait anymore because the universe is going bonkers and they run across each other in the middle of saving it, with just one ignorant and pissed off Arthur demending to know just what the hell is going on.
*cough* Just getting carried away, sorry.
Then, we know how Jack gets his Doctor back... But would it be too much to ask for a sequel where Merlin finally finds his King ? :)
Great job anyways !
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