002: This place...

May 12, 2008 06:15

I had hoped there would be something more interesting about this school than the last.

What I HADN'T hoped for was a school full of freaks, weirdos and just generally strange people. I've heard more about shampoo in the last week than I had in the year preceding it. What. The hell. Is this.

But whatever. At least it's not boring, yet. Missed a couple classes, but nothing I didn't already have a good handle on. I considered checking into that human transformation class that's coming up, but... eh, what's the point? Feels like it would be a waste of energy.

Speaking of which, I had to redownload all my good music-- some kind of virus got a hold of my computer and corrupted so, so much stuff... which, in retrospect, was easily fixed, since a full reformatting of the drive lost little intact data. I just have to remember to leave the autoupdate on the damn antivirus this time.

At least I've got some music now...
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