Nov 27, 2008 14:22
I am thankful today for a few things. Firstly, I'm thankful for the 13 out of 34 comments on my last post that actually dealt with what I posted, and had absolutely nothing to do all know what I'm talking about. Thank you for that. ^_^
I'm also thankful for
- the friends that I still manage to have, even after 2 years of dissapearing acts I would pull. Those of you who still talk to guys are freakin awesome, and it also makes me feel lucky to have you guys in my life still. I love you all!
-the chance I have to work at Coach. Hopefully I can prove myself as more of an asset than just on the busiest days of the year.
-my family for well...being my family. As dysfunctional as we are, I wouldn't want to be related to anyone else's family...well by blood anyhow. =P
-my vote, may it have been just one, actually contributed to the new presidental elect. lmao Sorry, just had to throw that in there =P
-my surprisingly good health.'s an act of GOD! lol I eat horribly, and with the smoking and drinking I do, yet somehow I don't fall over gasping for air when I play tennis, is surely a miracle.
-all of what god has given to me...enough said
-my returning patience as of lately. As some of you may have noticed (or not...I can't remember who's seen me like this if anyone at all), I was more short tempered than usual, more combattive, and quicker to argue. Over the last few days, through concentration, focus, and of course KNatalie, I've managed to calm down a lot. Hopefully soon, I'll be back to the normal, not-so-pissed-off Reggie that everyone knew at one point in time.
And FINALLY...I'm thankful for (and if you didn't see this
-KNatalie. She's been there for me more times than I can count. Sure, she's almost driven me to the brink of insanity in the past, but that was then and this is now. She's changed so much over the 2 years I've been with her, and all for the better. I feel awful that I haven't posted on here about how much she means to me, but she means the world to me, and so much more. Even out in Phoenix, she still manages to help me out with emotional problems as well as small things like helping me look for a job. Of the one or two things I've EVER regretted in my life (if any actually lol), the one thing that I regret most, is taken her for granted for so long. No matter what nice things I've done for her, or even the little gestures that I've done as well, I've had the thought that I could do whatever or say whatever, and she would stay. EVEN THOUGH she hasn't left yet, I feel lucky and blessed that she's stuck with me through thick and thin. I love you honey!
I'm sure there's other stuff I'm thankful for that I haven't mentioned, but since those were the ones that came to the surface, that's what I'll leave it at. Now I'm going to wait for a few more hours before I eat me some turkey.