3. Moving on to the other side of the Bible.. Why don't we go to Romans 13:7-8 and it reads:
7: Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. 8: Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
Love is a bit strong of a word without sounding homosexual, but let me put things in perspective to establish clarity.. I don't hate (opposite of love) Reggie over a matter of $153.00
Really, the point here about giving people what is rightfully theirs is why I referenced this verse. -=-=- 4. And finally, Jesus Christ's own words (this story can be found more than once in the New Testament.. 3 times if my memory serves me correctly.) This from Matthew 22:15-22
15: Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk. 16: And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the person of men. 17: Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? 18: But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? 19: Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. 20: And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? 21: They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. 22: When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.
I can continue to the point of overkill, but there is this teaching: Matthew 5:5 (One of the Beatitudes) Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Re: Hmmm...kageboushiNovember 27 2008, 04:21:09 UTC
Well.....I appreciate your patience as it were, as for the rest of it, tl:dr. HOWEVER, I'm not allowing nor am I stopping ANYONE from saying ANYTHING on my journal. Hence why I allow comments. She has just a right to post whatever she deems fit on my journal. May it be "ignorant or arrogant as hell" the case may be (to you btw), much like your girlfriend coming at me on YOUR journal. FURTHERMORE, I can understand why you would think she's trying "to beat you in christian theology," but the fact of the matter is, you weren't really involved in this conversation, just the situation. So please, and like always, if you don't like it, just scroll down. Her words should mean the same to you as much as an annonymous post would. So I will ask you not for a pardon, not for forgiveness, but really to back the fuck up from Natalie and myself...and watch the threats, I don't respond very positively towards em, as many should know by now. Because really (now this is really a retorical question because I'm sure you would have an answer to this as well), what in the hell would that long winded comment(s) have made this situation ANY better?!?! Seriously, because of this, we are now...hold on while I check this out real quick...at the least 2 comment flooding posts over how broke I am, and/or SOMEONE else talking in their S.O's journal, about some shit that shouldn't even be public knowledge to say the least. So let's just end things here and now. OKAY?!?! Alright. HOW 'BOUT THEM NY GIANTS HUH?!?!?!
WAAAAAAAAAAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....kageboushiNovember 27 2008, 04:45:23 UTC
I'm sorry, I tried to let this go, but to be honest, I didn't even read all of what you said to her. Her TWO CENTS, are her trying to comfort ME towards insensitive people who I do not owe money to, CONSTANTLY bickering over money they may or may not be seeing. Secondly, you attack her...for DEFENDING ME?!?!?! Quite honestly, what the fuck?!?! Where do you get off with nonsense like that?!?! Your name was not mentioned ONCE throughout her comments! If anything, I'd expect a reply from VIC and VIC ONLY regarding her comment...even at that, I still wouldn't let that kind of shit fly. ESPECIALLY for someone who has the GALL to question her faith of all things...Without even having a CIVILIZED conversation with her. She was never...EVER a believer in any other religion aside from christianity! She was following the buddhist PHILOSOPHY, and I know the jewish thing was an exaggeration, but still...NOT COOL!
I'm trying to be as calm as I can about your comment without deleting it, or with swearing at you on a constant basis with a single comment, because that was never truly me. Everyone knows me to be level headed when it comes to anger or drama or anything of the sort. But you're making it pretty damn hard Roy. SO, I will give you a list of people who have a VALID reason to not like her based off her character aside from any members of my family:
Steve Justin JR Cassie Alyssa
...I think that's about it. NO ONE REALLY decided to even so much as hang out with her and I for the day (if I'm forgetting anyone, my bad.), yet they speak nothing but bad about her, and swear up and down about stuff she's said and done ON THE INTERNET, to be false, or that it's litteral! SHE'S NOT SHANA!!!!! JESUS!!!!!
[takes deep breath] SO, with that said, and me trying to keep my cool, in summation, PLEASE do not talk about the woman I love in such a manner...ESPECIALLY on my own journal, whether you've talked to her, hung out with her, or heard her voice, or whatever. It's unnecessary drama that NO ONE needs, and I want my life to go back to the drama free lifestyle that I was once so accustomed to.
ONE MOOOOOOOOOORE THING..."judge not lest ye be judge" Matthew 7:1
Re: WAAAAAAAAAAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....roy82xNovember 27 2008, 11:12:46 UTC
Reggie, the woman you love made an unprovoked attack when I had instructed everyone to cool it, because I know your situation was grim and has gotten grimmer since. If you are blind in seeing who she was implicating, then I recommend that you reread the post word for word. I held my silence until a post that is open for everyone to read was put out implicating me and how allegedly insensitive I am. If you look from my point of view, I wouldn't think you would find it appropriate, nor flattering. The long winded response was a consequence to a post directly involving me. If you want to talk behind my back and talk shit without consequence, I would recommend doing so in private. Not in a public forum. The intent was for me to see this post, and that is the reason why I posted what I posted.
As for people being able to write anything they want in your journal, THAT is quite valid. You are entitled to be able to write anything you wish in your journal or comment in someone else's journal. I just wouldn't recommend that she continues saying what she is saying because it just causes more conflict between us regarding the issue at hand, especially since what she is saying is not entirely valid. The more she continues, the worst the consequences are for all involved.
So again, I will say that we end it here. Let me know when I will see my funds when you get your new job.
As per your request in "backing the fuck off," I would recommend that you get her to do it first. I was being quite reasonable, and held my thoughts and information to myself. It looks like she apologized somewhere down there in response to my post, and I hope she won't do it again.
And finally, I never judged you. If it seems like I EVER did, it was an accident and beg your forgiveness. I continue to patiently wait.
Your honor and your integrity is what is at stake here.. You getting back on your feet and taking care of your obligations is the first step. Take this entire situation as a lesson. I know you feel embarrassment in what has transpired, but arguing doesn't make things any better.
If you want to talk more, please give me a call. I know you have my number. Good luck Reggie.
Re: WAAAAAAAAAAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....kageboushiNovember 27 2008, 11:32:16 UTC
I went over that comment word for word, and like I have told her, I can SEE where it MAY LOOK like it was an attack on you, but you know...it can be interpreted as you may want to see it. The thing that really bothers me is, all of the bible quotes you were just throwing out there....what does that have to do with the price of rice in china? ALSO, it wasn't exactly unprovoked as it were. I made a post about me getting laid off, and ya know...the whole "don't you owe roy money" thing kinda lost its luster after the first few months or so. She knew I was tired of it. She knew that it was a reason why I stopped going onto livejournal to begin with. She's just looking out for me...that's all. No where did it implicate a name, and quite honestly, it was quite big of her to even apologise to you. You not only attacked her for what you believed was "directly involving" you, but you decided to go at it, with stuff that upsets me about a LOT of christians, question anothers faith and trying the whole "I know more about the bible than you do," bs. Also, just to carry that out the whole accusations further, the matthew passage I quoted earlier, was not intended towards myself, but the judgement you passed onto her. Not everything she says regarding this or any other issue doesn't always have to be in direct correlation with you. As a matter of fact, the only time you're mentioned...is if you make a comment on my page.
Now, she already apologised for her comment. All will be copasetic on my end once again, if you carry suit, admit that you attacked with venom before even being seriously provoked into doing so, and just hold on for a bit longer. I don't expect you to, but I just had to throw it out there to be completely honest. To me, this is a completely different matter than my debt right now.
Re: WAAAAAAAAAAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....roy82xNovember 27 2008, 12:51:58 UTC
There was no judgement on her either, just the plainly obvious that she had no place nor any idea what she was talking about. The bible verses were "to put her into her place" quite simply. It was quite big of her to realize that she made a mistake, and that I do appreciate.
As for your venom comment, it was quite justified. Her attempts on using the Christian Bible were very offending. Also realize that what MAY LOOK like an attack will probably be interpreted as an attack. "If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, smells like a duck, then it's probably a duck." Also consider that she already has history in fighting on this very same issue. If she doesn't want something to be interpreted in a negative way, then she must choose her words very carefully, as do the rest of us.
By the way, what she believes does not matter to me, she is free to believe and live as she likes, and you will see no judgments from me.. but when she claims to live modeling a certain set of beliefs (or Philosophy) held by a group of people I have the utmost respect for, and does things contrary to said belief (or Philosophy), I will take offense because of my respect and reverence toward said belief, Philosophy, or Religion. The other instance is when she did it with the Buddhist Philosophy. I have respect for the Buddhists because they have taught me very much and put a lot of things that Christian beliefs were unable to into much needed clarity.
I have more to say on this particular issue but opt not to say it here because you are right, this newly developed issue is a different subject. I believe any other issue regarding K should be dealt with in private. After all, K does have feelings and it is NOT my intention to hurt her feelings, nor tarnish her reputation any further with this irrelevant argument. For those who wish to do her harm, I hope that they realize that she is human and can be hurt (though she will never admit it).
Re: WAAAAAAAAAAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....kageboushiNovember 27 2008, 19:10:31 UTC
"It was quite big of her to realize that she made a mistake, and that I do appreciate."
And what mistake was that? As far as I'm concerned, that comment was for me. NOT to you, nor towards you. The only one who's TRULY mistaken is you.
"Her attempts on using the Christian Bible were very offending. Also realize that what MAY LOOK like an attack will probably be interpreted as an attack."
The ONLY REASON we thought it could even remotely look like an attack, was AFTER you made a comment btw. Aside from that, what she did was quote to ME a verse from the bible. One of my favorites as a matter of fact.
"By the way, what she believes does not matter to me, she is free to believe and live as she likes, and you will see no judgments from me," CLEARLY contradicts what you said in your first comment...you know...the one that started all of this nonsense: "How about you stop trying to pervert all the Religions of the world (whether it be the Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, or any other belief). It is an insult to the faithful."
Apparently, the only arrogant one in this whole brew-ha-ha, is yourself. All you are doing is prattling on and on and ON, about how, "she started it," and what not, then giving some half assed attempt to being civil, when really THAT in itself can come off as a backhanded insult and trying to play the saint about your outstanding patience. When in reality, I'm sure that the whole "out of sight, out of mind," philosophy being in play is another reason why it's not talked about to me. But I digress...
This would be the point where I would say let's just drop it here, but there's going to be another comment with at the least 3 lenghty paragraphs included. I know it, you know it, the WORLD knows it, so I'm not going to hold my breath for a conclusion to this crap.
Re: WAAAAAAAAAAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....roy82xNovember 28 2008, 12:26:50 UTC
Paragraph 1: Reggie, don't you still owe me money? (This is actually the first time I have ever truly found this one-liner funny. Honestly, this is how the situation should remain until things get better... no more than a funny one-liner, though quite literally, at my expense.)
Paragraph 2: I believe that you don't mean most of what you have said in this string of comments because you are blinded by anger. I would like for you to calm down and focus on how to make things better, not worse. Reggie, though this argument has been brewing for a while, I still consider you a friend. You know what I am like. I will continue to be accommodating and wait as long as you need, like I continued to do so when you updated me on your current situation privately.
Paragraph 3: How have you been Reggie? I thought you had broken up last I heard. Something to consider by the way.. Though I could have met Alyssa on my own, since she did live across the street.. That stupid theatre was the reason why my life is the way it is now. You and I met there, and you met Vic in that arcade, which spawned a lot of your current friends.. you then mentioned the girl across the street.. it then turned into something nice for a while.. some bad stuff happened, and then I met Rhiannon.. things unexpectedly changed.. and here we are.. It's the blessing (or the curse) of the Regal Cinemas - Texas Station 18 Theatres. Funny chain of events.. Can you be rehired at the theatre by the way?
Re: WAAAAAAAAAAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....kageboushiNovember 27 2008, 11:33:46 UTC
Also...no. I don't have your number. This is like the 4th phone I've had within the past two years. So I only really add numbers of those who get in contact with me, or someone I need to call.
Re: WAAAAAAAAAAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....roy82xNovember 27 2008, 12:58:34 UTC
Alyssa, Rachel, Victor, Beau, and many others have my number. You can also AIM me for it (RoyOlaer). Vic gave me two of your numbers this afternoon.. Don't know which one is a wireless phone and which is a land-line. You may also E-mail me at RoyOlaer at _ gmail _ dot _ com. My Android phone lets me read E-mails INSTANTLY (Plug for the G1 from Google and HTC).
Re: WAAAAAAAAAAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....roy82xNovember 27 2008, 18:09:45 UTC
I apologized because I didn't know someone would take offense to this, not because I thought I was wrong. I was trying to be encouraging to Reggie in a time that is hard for him. That is what a s.o. is suppose to do. I am my mans cheerleader. You do not know me nor does anyone else anymore. I have been away from vegas for almost a year and I work at First Southern Baptist Church of Scottsdale and also am a member of the church. The people at my church know that I am saved and have been baptized. They know my walk and my destination.
I am a different person but, I have nothing to prove. My Lord knows that I serve him and he always knows the truth. Please do not judge me on my past, lets leave that to God.
I was very hurt by the things you said. I even had to get off the phone with Reggie so that I could cry and it wouldn't provoke him to do something stupid. I feel like you passed judgment on my status with my Lord, you jumped to conclusions, and you threatened me. You yourself are not without sin and I am sure you probably have things in your past that you have repented for as I have. I love you and my prayers will be with you. I hope you find it in your heart to apologize for the things you said and did without sounding arrogant.
Once again, I am sorry you were offended by what I said and I know that my past would lead you to believe that it was an attack but it wasn't.
Re: WAAAAAAAAAAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....roy82xNovember 28 2008, 12:39:01 UTC
K: I'm glad to see that you are changing into a better person. Maybe that list of people that Reggie posted who don't favor you will change their minds based on how you have changed and become a better, sweeter, much less offending person. My intention as I had said before was not to hurt your feelings, but to stand behind what I thought was right. It's good to see when Religion truly changes a person for the better.
Reggie: Heh, your girlfriend so totally told me that she LOVES ME. NEW LJ FIGHT!!!!!!!
Re: WAAAAAAAAAAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....special_k_79November 28 2008, 22:19:44 UTC
Last time I check that actually do favor me. I think what he meant was those were the only people who have met me and could actually have a valid reason not to like me if they chose to.
But, you should know that. Didn't you call Alyssa to check up on me?
One more thing, Reggie and I have never broke up. 2 years and 3 months and 20 days. :D
Thank you for the realization that I am a different person I appreciate it.
7: Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
8: Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
Love is a bit strong of a word without sounding homosexual, but let me put things in perspective to establish clarity.. I don't hate (opposite of love) Reggie over a matter of $153.00
Really, the point here about giving people what is rightfully theirs is why I referenced this verse.
4. And finally, Jesus Christ's own words (this story can be found more than once in the New Testament.. 3 times if my memory serves me correctly.) This from Matthew 22:15-22
15: Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk.
16: And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the person of men.
17: Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?
18: But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?
19: Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny.
20: And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?
21: They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
22: When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.
I can continue to the point of overkill, but there is this teaching:
Matthew 5:5 (One of the Beatitudes)
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Have fun..
I'm trying to be as calm as I can about your comment without deleting it, or with swearing at you on a constant basis with a single comment, because that was never truly me. Everyone knows me to be level headed when it comes to anger or drama or anything of the sort. But you're making it pretty damn hard Roy. SO, I will give you a list of people who have a VALID reason to not like her based off her character aside from any members of my family:
...I think that's about it. NO ONE REALLY decided to even so much as hang out with her and I for the day (if I'm forgetting anyone, my bad.), yet they speak nothing but bad about her, and swear up and down about stuff she's said and done ON THE INTERNET, to be false, or that it's litteral! SHE'S NOT SHANA!!!!! JESUS!!!!!
[takes deep breath] SO, with that said, and me trying to keep my cool, in summation, PLEASE do not talk about the woman I love in such a manner...ESPECIALLY on my own journal, whether you've talked to her, hung out with her, or heard her voice, or whatever. It's unnecessary drama that NO ONE needs, and I want my life to go back to the drama free lifestyle that I was once so accustomed to.
ONE MOOOOOOOOOORE THING..."judge not lest ye be judge" Matthew 7:1
As for people being able to write anything they want in your journal, THAT is quite valid. You are entitled to be able to write anything you wish in your journal or comment in someone else's journal. I just wouldn't recommend that she continues saying what she is saying because it just causes more conflict between us regarding the issue at hand, especially since what she is saying is not entirely valid. The more she continues, the worst the consequences are for all involved.
So again, I will say that we end it here. Let me know when I will see my funds when you get your new job.
As per your request in "backing the fuck off," I would recommend that you get her to do it first. I was being quite reasonable, and held my thoughts and information to myself. It looks like she apologized somewhere down there in response to my post, and I hope she won't do it again.
And finally, I never judged you. If it seems like I EVER did, it was an accident and beg your forgiveness. I continue to patiently wait.
Your honor and your integrity is what is at stake here.. You getting back on your feet and taking care of your obligations is the first step. Take this entire situation as a lesson. I know you feel embarrassment in what has transpired, but arguing doesn't make things any better.
If you want to talk more, please give me a call. I know you have my number. Good luck Reggie.
Now, she already apologised for her comment. All will be copasetic on my end once again, if you carry suit, admit that you attacked with venom before even being seriously provoked into doing so, and just hold on for a bit longer. I don't expect you to, but I just had to throw it out there to be completely honest. To me, this is a completely different matter than my debt right now.
As for your venom comment, it was quite justified. Her attempts on using the Christian Bible were very offending. Also realize that what MAY LOOK like an attack will probably be interpreted as an attack. "If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, smells like a duck, then it's probably a duck." Also consider that she already has history in fighting on this very same issue. If she doesn't want something to be interpreted in a negative way, then she must choose her words very carefully, as do the rest of us.
By the way, what she believes does not matter to me, she is free to believe and live as she likes, and you will see no judgments from me.. but when she claims to live modeling a certain set of beliefs (or Philosophy) held by a group of people I have the utmost respect for, and does things contrary to said belief (or Philosophy), I will take offense because of my respect and reverence toward said belief, Philosophy, or Religion. The other instance is when she did it with the Buddhist Philosophy. I have respect for the Buddhists because they have taught me very much and put a lot of things that Christian beliefs were unable to into much needed clarity.
I have more to say on this particular issue but opt not to say it here because you are right, this newly developed issue is a different subject. I believe any other issue regarding K should be dealt with in private. After all, K does have feelings and it is NOT my intention to hurt her feelings, nor tarnish her reputation any further with this irrelevant argument. For those who wish to do her harm, I hope that they realize that she is human and can be hurt (though she will never admit it).
And what mistake was that? As far as I'm concerned, that comment was for me. NOT to you, nor towards you. The only one who's TRULY mistaken is you.
"Her attempts on using the Christian Bible were very offending. Also realize that what MAY LOOK like an attack will probably be interpreted as an attack."
The ONLY REASON we thought it could even remotely look like an attack, was AFTER you made a comment btw. Aside from that, what she did was quote to ME a verse from the bible. One of my favorites as a matter of fact.
"By the way, what she believes does not matter to me, she is free to believe and live as she likes, and you will see no judgments from me," CLEARLY contradicts what you said in your first comment...you know...the one that started all of this nonsense: "How about you stop trying to pervert all the Religions of the world (whether it be the Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, or any other belief). It is an insult to the faithful."
Apparently, the only arrogant one in this whole brew-ha-ha, is yourself. All you are doing is prattling on and on and ON, about how, "she started it," and what not, then giving some half assed attempt to being civil, when really THAT in itself can come off as a backhanded insult and trying to play the saint about your outstanding patience. When in reality, I'm sure that the whole "out of sight, out of mind," philosophy being in play is another reason why it's not talked about to me. But I digress...
This would be the point where I would say let's just drop it here, but there's going to be another comment with at the least 3 lenghty paragraphs included. I know it, you know it, the WORLD knows it, so I'm not going to hold my breath for a conclusion to this crap.
Paragraph 2: I believe that you don't mean most of what you have said in this string of comments because you are blinded by anger. I would like for you to calm down and focus on how to make things better, not worse. Reggie, though this argument has been brewing for a while, I still consider you a friend. You know what I am like. I will continue to be accommodating and wait as long as you need, like I continued to do so when you updated me on your current situation privately.
Paragraph 3: How have you been Reggie? I thought you had broken up last I heard. Something to consider by the way.. Though I could have met Alyssa on my own, since she did live across the street.. That stupid theatre was the reason why my life is the way it is now. You and I met there, and you met Vic in that arcade, which spawned a lot of your current friends.. you then mentioned the girl across the street.. it then turned into something nice for a while.. some bad stuff happened, and then I met Rhiannon.. things unexpectedly changed.. and here we are.. It's the blessing (or the curse) of the Regal Cinemas - Texas Station 18 Theatres. Funny chain of events.. Can you be rehired at the theatre by the way?
I am a different person but, I have nothing to prove. My Lord knows that I serve him and he always knows the truth. Please do not judge me on my past, lets leave that to God.
I was very hurt by the things you said. I even had to get off the phone with Reggie so that I could cry and it wouldn't provoke him to do something stupid. I feel like you passed judgment on my status with my Lord, you jumped to conclusions, and you threatened me. You yourself are not without sin and I am sure you probably have things in your past that you have repented for as I have. I love you and my prayers will be with you. I hope you find it in your heart to apologize for the things you said and did without sounding arrogant.
Once again, I am sorry you were offended by what I said and I know that my past would lead you to believe that it was an attack but it wasn't.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Reggie: Heh, your girlfriend so totally told me that she LOVES ME. NEW LJ FIGHT!!!!!!!
But, you should know that. Didn't you call Alyssa to check up on me?
One more thing, Reggie and I have never broke up. 2 years and 3 months and 20 days. :D
Thank you for the realization that I am a different person I appreciate it.
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