
Jul 31, 2010 19:06

There is a snazzily-dressed firebug standing before several very large boxes and knocking on the Aristan door.

He knows he should have given them a heads-up, but this was something of an impulse. And besides, he's missed his friends.

And he hasn't given Marc a headache in a while, so he's due.

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aureliaofarista July 31 2010, 23:36:20 UTC
Cin opens the door. "Good day, Mr. Himoto. How are you, your family, and -- " she takes in the boxes. "And your sense that the General /has/ to let you get away with this today?" she finishes pleasantly, all innocent smiles."


kage_himoto July 31 2010, 23:43:25 UTC
Kage smiles, just as pleasant. "My family and I are doing very well, Cin. I promise this is all consumables. That should ease the General's headache somewhat, though there are a few special things for Her Majesty."

He'll pause for a moment, debating. He's used to Quin being on duty. "And might I say that it is a good thing I'm a one-woman man, or I might just try to distract you, Beautiful," he offers, eyes flickering.


aureliaofarista July 31 2010, 23:55:23 UTC
Cin smiles cheerfully. "I'll take that in the spirit in which it was intended, Mr. Himoto."

And she'll soon get a few people sent for.

The General arrives, his eyebrows raised.


kage_himoto August 1 2010, 00:12:57 UTC
"Marc! Buddy! I have missed your scowl, my friend!" He steps to the side and indicaes the boxes. "I come bearing gifts! You're shocked, I know. I don't suppose I'm trusted enough for Her Majesty and Aurelia to be able to have theirs without testing?"


aureliaofarista August 1 2010, 00:14:51 UTC
"It is not a matter of trust. You live in the Nexus. Nothing you bring can possibly qualify as 'from a controlled environment,'" Marc growls.


kage_himoto August 1 2010, 00:41:42 UTC
Kage makes a dismissive noise. "The booze is not from the Nexus, but from an alternate of your very own world. But if you really think I'd allow something funny to happen to a bottle of my favorite Scotch, then by all means, have it tasted. But be aware that the taster probably has a year's salary in his mouth. I've got a bottle of my best cognac, too. Luc has had it plenty of times, and doesn't seem to have suffered any ill effects." His eyes are still flickering, and he's obviously not really put-out by the requirements. He just likes needling Marc.

"There is also a whole case of canisters with a special powder in them. Chocolate, with extra nutritional value. A spoonful in a glass of milk, stir well, and the kids have chocolate milk with vitamins. Your kids probably don't need it, but it certainly won't hurt them."

"The rest of it is Irish Stout and Egyptian Beer for you and the Boys."


aureliaofarista August 1 2010, 00:49:21 UTC
Marc's had a lot to deal with lately. "Being careful has kept my people away from most of the bizarre transformations, amensia, and mind control incidences of the Nexus -- which were often the result of materials provided by perfectly trustworthy people, from perfectly trustworthy places. I could always go back to my original policy," he says calmly.

But he continues. "I'm sure everyone will appreciate it very much, Mr. Himoto."

Luc and Pat arrive, and greet, and help carry things in.


kage_himoto August 1 2010, 01:08:40 UTC
Kage resists sticking his tongue out at Marc. "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today."

Pardon him, but he's going to give Luc a proper greeting, heat and all, before he stands back and watches them collect the boxes.


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