THNMY! I seem to be doing a lot of these lately..

Feb 15, 2010 00:29

It is early afternoon on February 13th, and Kage is dressed in a dark red suit he somehow manages to pull off without it looking tacky.

Kage does not do tacky.

He also has two ridiculously soft little stuffed white dogs holding big red hearts begging "Be Mine". He doesn't really want the intended giftees to be his, of course, but the dogs are ( Read more... )

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aureliaofarista February 15 2010, 06:07:04 UTC
And Phil, right on time, comes to the door, just the slightest air of weariness about him.

Considering how things have been lately, if he thought there was anything to the writing, it would be hard to keep the door open. As it is, there's just a small twisted smile. "Cute. How many of those things did you get the littles?"


kage_himoto February 15 2010, 06:17:13 UTC
Kage grins, and steals a quick kiss before answering. "There's one hundred each of pick, white, and red animals back at the house. I figured the littles could pick their favorites? These are for the Empress and Princess, though." And the smile turns downright wicked "Unless you think you would want a fluffy stuffed animal to sleep with." Val would kill him if he got one for Luc.


aureliaofarista February 15 2010, 06:21:13 UTC
Another twisted smile. "I'd like to think my military dignity and I normally have a pretty good relationship."

Cin's on duty today again, and with a smile she'll take those. "I'll see that they get them. And we'll ask about the littles. Although really, only about fifty of them are young enough for that sort of thing."


kage_himoto February 15 2010, 06:32:06 UTC
"Well I was careful not to get anything with pieces that can come off for the kids, so even the babies should be able to have one. And I know it's probably different in Arista, but sometimes a particularly favored stuffed toy is kept through adulthood." He shrugs. "I just wanted to make sure there was enough for anyone who wanted it, even just as a cute reminder, you follow? And there's a choice of colors, too."


aureliaofarista February 15 2010, 07:45:24 UTC
Another twisted smile. "You do realize you're dealing with a society where even civilian girls leave all their dolls in the lararium when they come of age? But it's thoughtful, and if it's safe and discreet enough, I'm sure some of the littles will love them, thank you." He nods appreciatively to Cin, then turns back to Kage. "Shall we?"


kage_himoto February 15 2010, 07:51:47 UTC
He sighs, shrugging. "I know there's differences. Just be glad I didn't get them for you and the Boys, Handsome. I'd have had to deal with the horrible rejection." And Phil gets a hug, before being herded off home. "I believe we shall, Sir."


aureliaofarista February 15 2010, 09:30:59 UTC
Phil follows.


kage_himoto February 17 2010, 04:04:06 UTC
Kage takes Phil back to Irie, wading through the flock begging to be scritched.

Once inside, he heads towards the part of the house that doesn't see much activity: The Theater. It's in the basement, and as they enter, he hits a button, causing a huge flat-panel TV to rise from an opening in the floor at the front of the stage. In addition to the reclining theater-seat couches, there's a bright red popcorn machine in the near corner, smelling of fresh, hot buttered popcorn.

"How much do you know about television and movies, Gorgeous?" he asks.


aureliaofarista February 17 2010, 04:12:14 UTC
"That it's preserved images of theatrical performance shown larger on a screen in some sort of trick with lights and glass. That Luc likes Star Wars, that Hamlet is basically the Oresteia without the scorpion whips, and--" He inhales with interest. "-- that 'popcorn 'is absolutely delicious."


kage_himoto February 17 2010, 05:05:01 UTC
"I'm not sure anything but the first and last points will make a difference here," he grins. "have a seat, I'll get the popcorn and drinks. I can get you cola, if you like, but I'd actually planned on champagne."


aureliaofarista February 17 2010, 05:08:12 UTC
"Thanks." Phil takes a seat. "I've heard nice things about champagne. I've shelled out for white wine a few times myself."


kage_himoto February 17 2010, 06:37:25 UTC
Kage pours the champagne, fills a bucket with popcorn,and settles in next to Phil, handing him a glass and setting the bucket between them.

For now, anyway.

One button lowers the lights, another turns the TV on, and a third starts the movie. "I thought a double feature? If there's a problem with either, let me know. The first one is a musical about the chaos surrounding a popular musician going off to fight in a war. The actual war isn't really important to the plot, just that he's leaving."

And Kage is going to snuggle against you while the movie plays, and the popcorn is eaten. He's probably going to tease you with a little heat, too, but this movie is mostly for laughs, so the teasing will be minimal.


aureliaofarista February 17 2010, 06:42:19 UTC
"From what I've heard of movies, I'll need a little time to stand between the two," Phil warns.

But he'll snuggle down with Kage and snacks pleasantly enough, and try to keep up with the cultural differences enough to appreciate the story.

And also, movies are one department taht tends to send the Aristan hands-have-a-mind-of-their-own tendency into overdrive, there's a lot of kneading into Kage's shoulders, etc.


kage_himoto February 18 2010, 00:12:09 UTC
"Don't worry, we'll have an intermission," Kage assures him.

He enjoys the snuggling, and explains as briefly as possible the relevant cultural quirks. He's hoping Phil enjoys the singing and dancing, at least.

As for Phil's hand having a mind of it's own, Kage is hardly complaining.


aureliaofarista February 18 2010, 00:36:51 UTC
The musical aspects are indeed enjoyed, and Phil will make a few quiet comments throughout, and laugh, both at many of the points where that is the intended response, and on a few occasions at the sheer cultural oddities.

"Well, that was nice," he says at the end.


kage_himoto February 18 2010, 01:48:39 UTC
Kage hits the button to raise the lights. "I'm glad you liked it. I was a little worried about doing the Valentine's Day thing with you, but.. well you are the one who's most interested in the cultural differences and all." He pulls Phil into a very heated kiss, complete with a teasing bit of fire. "I just wanted to tell you that that's all this is. I like you, and I like spending time with you, exploring the differences. But there's no Wrong Idea." And then he smiles. "In spite of the nature of the movies."


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