Kage's Study

Dec 09, 2009 23:07

The room doesn't have much besides the desk and chair, across the room from the massive fireplace. There's a pile of jewel-toned pillows, heavy on the reds, golds, and oranges, in front of the fireplace, and kindling and wood laid for a fire within.

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m_arthur_0_0 December 12 2009, 22:44:40 UTC
Arthur tugged Merlin along to the study, the pair bickering most of the way. Arthur cracked open the door and peaked in to check it was the right place before tugging Merlin in. "See? I wasn't lost"
He laughed lightly "Your right M'Lord" he smirked.
Arthur rolled his eyes "Brat" he murmered before kissing Merlin.


kage_himoto December 16 2009, 22:46:40 UTC
It doesn't take Kage long to gather what he wants and make his way to his study, so he isn't really far behind Arthur and Merlin.

He just happens to catch the boys mid-kiss. "Well isn't that a pretty picture. Can anyone join this party, or do you need a reservation."


m_arthur_0_0 December 16 2009, 22:52:23 UTC
Merlin stood mouth a little open after the kiss, "Hmm?"

Arthur chuckled holding his hand out to Kage "Is it a party with out you?"


kage_himoto December 17 2009, 18:01:50 UTC
Kage chuckles as he sets the things he's carrying on the floor next to the fireplace. "Oh, I'm sure you two could find some way to entertain yourselves in my absence. Close your mouth, Merlin, you look like you're trying to catch flies."

He holds up a pair of handcuffs, a short length of chain, and ankle restraints. "Can't have you able to relieve the tension when we're punishing you, can we?"


m_arthur_0_0 December 18 2009, 13:04:11 UTC
Arthur grinned his hand absently moving to cup Merlin through his pants. "That is true......."He murmered

Merlin moaned softly his eyes on the restraints. "Oh my"


kage_himoto December 23 2009, 01:50:05 UTC
Kage points to the floor just in front of him. "Come here, Merlin."

"Did you want to help, Arthur, or watch?"


m_arthur_0_0 December 23 2009, 18:40:18 UTC
"I think I will like to watch, at first" he chuckled watching Merlin walk towards Kage almost timidly.

HE knelt before him with a soft smile


kage_himoto December 25 2009, 23:19:52 UTC
Kage nods and smiles at Arthur. "Might want to lose a few of those clothes, at least. I'm going to be hungry when I'm done with him."

Kage looks down on Merlin, eyes flickering. "You have been a very naughty boy, Precious. So disrespectful.." He runs fingers through Merlin's dark hair, tugging slightly. "I'm going to have to punish you."


m_arthur_0_0 December 25 2009, 23:26:30 UTC
Arthur grinned nodding "That does sound like a good plan......" he murmered "And I'd be quiet hot watching you two"

Merlin moaned slightly his head tilting into the tug "I....no I'm good"


kage_himoto December 25 2009, 23:36:10 UTC
Kage isn't ignroing you, Arthur, but he's going to focus on giving you a show for a bit.

"Arguing with me, too, Merlin?" Kage tsks, and tugs harder at his hair. "Can't have that." He looks to Arthur a moment, not turning loose of MErlin's hair just yet. "Should I make him strip, or just burn the clothes from his back?"


m_arthur_0_0 December 26 2009, 17:04:54 UTC
Arthur licked his lips watching him "Burn" he offered noting the shiver than ran up Merlins back in return


kage_himoto December 26 2009, 19:43:30 UTC
Kage smiles. Not necessarily a pleasant smile, at least if you're not wanting to witness the scene to come..

"Turn around and face Arthur, Precious." Once he does, Kage will cuff Merlin's hands behind his back, cuff his ankles, and join them with the chain, effectively confining Merlin to kneeling with his wrists just above his ankles. "I'm going to strip you, Precious, and I want you to.. show yourself off. Display yourself. Let Arthur see just how much you like it when I punish you."

And then Kage takes flame-tipped fingers, and slowly, carefully, burns the clothes from Merlin's body. Merlin won't actually be burned, but he will get singed.. a minor sting to make things interesting. And once the clothes are gone, Kage will lean in to bite Merlin's neck, just below the ear, while reaching around and raking those flame-tipped fingers down Merlin's bare chest..


m_arthur_0_0 December 27 2009, 15:05:56 UTC
Merlin slowly put his hands behind him, holding his ankles to close.

He shivered as his clothes slowly slipped away from his body. He swallowed hard "Oh Kage" he whispered "I, sorry please" he asked.

Arthur chuckled watching Merlin with Kage his hand roaming down his body slowly. "Hmm such a sight"


kage_himoto December 28 2009, 01:00:25 UTC
Kage chuckles, reaching lower to tease Merlin, dousing the flames to that one hand to keep from injuring..

"I'm curious, Precious.. What is it you're apologizing for, and what is it you're begging for?"


m_arthur_0_0 December 31 2009, 15:53:21 UTC
Merlin swallowed hard trying to form thoughts "I..uh......" damn, words, he was sure he had them but with those flames and Kage so close, and knowing Arthur was watching. "I.....sorry for, misbehaving?" he tried uncertain before adding "Punish me please please"


kage_himoto January 1 2010, 04:14:34 UTC
Kage chuckles, stroking Merlin a few more times. "You really want me to hurt you, don't you, Precious?" The hand not stroking Merlin will again rake fire over Merlin's chest.

When Kage stands, he takes up the leather lash he brought with the cuffs. There is no warning before he brings it down on Merlin's back, leaving a series of thin red welts that doubles with the backhand stroke.


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