
Jul 20, 2009 16:44

He's dressed in his Wine-hued finery. The blue-silk ribbons have been tied, the crates packed, and Kage is once again wheeling a series of boxes sure to make General Marc sigh in exasperation to the Aristan door. He'll push it to one side, so it's sort-of hidden, before giving the door a firm knock.

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aureliaofarista July 20 2009, 20:48:20 UTC
Quin, as usual, is the one keeping an ear out for the door. Since he's not doing anything In Public, he hasn't bothered adjusting his tunic to hide the now-almost-vanished scratches.

He grins upon seeing him. "Hello, Kage."


kage_himoto July 20 2009, 20:52:59 UTC
The grin on Kage's face isn't even trying to hide anything. His flickering eyes take in the scratches, and he winks. "Hey there, Handsome. Looks like you've been having Fun. I don't suppose Marc is around? Or.. well anybody, really. I have a Surprise."


aureliaofarista July 20 2009, 20:59:13 UTC
"I have. And I'll see whom we can scrounge up. What kind of disruptive ostentation do we get to see today?" There's not the slightest shred of malice in that; he's still grinning.


kage_himoto July 20 2009, 21:06:39 UTC
Kage wouldn't take any affront to the words anyway. He's kind of torn between wanting them to really like it, and wanting to knock his head of for the Presumption, so it's all good.

"Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it? But.." and here he pauses to think, "There's specific treats for you, Pat, Luc, Phil, Marc, Lady Aurelia, the Empress, Val, Erasmus.. and some people I haven't actually met, but hear a lot about: Atticus, Ismene, Xantippe, Faust, and four of the littles." More thinking. It's a lot of people to remember. "Khil, Les, Max and Dru?"

"There's also a little Something for everyone."


aureliaofarista July 20 2009, 21:12:06 UTC
Quin listened to all this and shook his head. "You know, Kage, we've gotten by without a lot of stuff for many, many years...wait, you got specific stuff for littles?" Quin actually looks slightly concerned. "I hope it's something they can share. Dru especially won't take anything she can't share."

He steps to the other doorway, calls someone over, and sees that a rounding up of available persons begins.


kage_himoto July 20 2009, 21:15:28 UTC
Kage nods, eyes still flickering. "Everything for the littles is sharable. In fact, I was going to specify that, though their the ones getting the things, it's actually for everyone. I mostly want an excuse to meet the four Val prattles on about when he visits."


aureliaofarista July 20 2009, 21:20:21 UTC
Quin smiles and nods, as nearly on cue, a bunch of littles arrive, accompanied by Faust.

Aurelia and her security detail, which of course includes Pat, arrive soon afterward.


kage_himoto July 20 2009, 21:24:28 UTC
Kage isn't quite as bad around kids as Val.. he hasn't been a father as long. "I'm going to guess this lovely young lady is Dru, but I'm afraid I'm going to need names for the rest, good Sirs."

And he will, naturally bow to Aurelia with a polite, "M'Lady Aurelia, it's good to see you again," and a flickery-eyed wink for Pat.


aureliaofarista July 20 2009, 21:31:42 UTC
"Khil" "Max" "Les." Announced in a string.

Faust chuckles. "Faust. Now what's this about?" That tone went real professional, real fast.

"I believe we're going to have an occasion of some extravagance, Faust," Aurelia says warmly. "Good to see you, Mr. Himoto."

"I swear, Kage, this better not be more than we have storage room," Phil says with a twisted smile when he arrives. The room's getting relatively full.

"And as for Atticus," Aurelia says, "Let's let everyone else get a chance to deal with matters before we bring him over. This whole things is a bit much for those who aren't as familiar with the Nexus."

...Speaking of which, two people arrive from just off a shift of dealing with kitchen issues.


kage_himoto July 20 2009, 21:38:42 UTC
"Perfectly understandable, Miss Aurelia. I wouldn't want to give the poor man nightmares, but some things have been mentioned, and.. well you should know me by now," he finishes with a grin.

Kage can't resist giving Faust a relatively discreet once-over. "Val has said good things about you. I'm guessing you haven't been sufficiently warned about my propensity for Gifts. Did you enjoy your book?"

And to the kids, "And he has mentioned some things about you as well. I have some things that are technically for all the youngsters, but I wanted the chance to meet Val's friends, so that's why I asked for you specifically."

And there is a special Evil Kage Grin for the confused-looking Val.


aureliaofarista July 20 2009, 21:48:40 UTC
Faust stands with his arms crossed and a scrutinizing look. "Haven't gotten the chance to finish reading the whole thing. S'good so far, though. I really like the Rohirrim."

"Everybody likes the Rohirrim," is the unison opinion as Marc and Luc as they come in, glaring a little at Kage.
"...I didn't particularly like them," Erasmus finds it necessary to say.

Marc sighs. "I think this room is as full as it's getting, Mr. Himoto. I trust whatever you have brought is reasonably safe and legal?"


kage_himoto July 20 2009, 21:58:22 UTC
Kage can't help chuckling. "Reasonably so, Sir, yes. Should I give the children their's first, so they can return to the nursery?"

Assuming the answer is yes, he'll turn back to the sort-of-hidden Pile, and remove two glossy-brown skateboards and two bound sets of relatively small books, the topmost of each reading Leo, Veneficus, quod Wardrobe. He hands each child either a board or a stack with a smile.


aureliaofarista July 20 2009, 22:10:05 UTC
The idea will be confirmed, certainly.

Merely for the record, of the boys, it's Les who takes books. They all take them fairly wide-eyed, with a small but eager chorus of "Thank you!"

Marc and Faust in particular watch scrutinzingly, and seem to approve of the normal-lookingness of the boards and the easily-stored nature of the books.


kage_himoto July 20 2009, 22:16:10 UTC
Kage beams. "You're quite welcome. I hope you've enjoyed the other books as well, though?"

And he'll manage to hide the smirk, more because it's not just Marc being Glare-y this time.


aureliaofarista July 20 2009, 22:22:19 UTC
Very enthusiastic nodding, especially from Dru.

And then, with more thanks, there is trotting off to the nursery to Share the Wealth, literarily and athletically speaking.

"Oh, that was just adorable," Aurelia says, smiling, when they've gone.


kage_himoto July 20 2009, 22:27:36 UTC
"All children deserve to be spoiled, at least a little."

And he retrieves another set of boxes from The Pile. "Ok, I am needing a Miss Ismene, and a Miss Xantippe."

"Val, you're going to need help hauling your gift back. It's heavy."


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