poor kitty

Mar 26, 2009 11:08

So with the weather being some what decent here the cat has wanted to go outside. So i've been opening up the door to the patio (on a balcony) and letting him hang out there. Sometimes he climbs up on the roof but always comes back. So today he was crying to go outside so i let hime out and went and watched tv. when my show was over i was gonna bring him back in and go take a shower. oh and i dont close the door i leave it open so he can come in on his own. Well today i go to get him and he's gone. i grab his favorite toy that jinggles and start shaking it, usually he comes running..today...nothing! i put on my shoes and go downstairs and start calling him. i hear him crying, but dont see him. Then i realize the crying is coming from the other side of the buiilding. so i run back up the stairs and look to the left and there he is crying at the top of his lungs in the drive way of the people below us. So i run back down stairs and around the block. (the way our apts are set up is weird) i get to him and he is a bigg ball of puff (scared) grab him up and he is still crying like crazy. once i get him home he stops crying. now he is laying in the hallway exhausted. He was beathing so hard and his poor little heart was racing. i felt so bad for him. He wants to be this big bad independant cat but he's not. he's a big momma's boy! lol. i was so scared i lost him! oh and have i ever mentioned we never paid the pet deposit or pet rent the whole 3 yrs we've lived here? so i was freaking out when he was crying hoping he wouldnt cause the neighbors to complain and us get caught! my poor kitty!
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