Gakuen Heaven > Fanfic/Drables > Cracktacular Plot Bunnies (set 5)

Dec 30, 2008 10:47

Title: Cracktacular Plot Bunnies (set 5)
         And some parts The Secret Niwa Tetsuya Chronicles
Authors: kagayachou
Fandom: Gakuen Heaven
Characters: Hideaki, Hiroya, Kaoru, Kazuki, Kazuki's secretary, Keita, Kouji, Kuma-chan, Satoshi, Shunsuke, Takuto, Tetsuya, Tetsuya's Dad, Tono-sama, Omi, Jin, Yukihiko
Rating: some mix-n-match degree of G to NC-17
Words: O_O this could go on forever...
Summary: Inspired from Friends and the Gakuen Heaven Crack Generator <3 Feel free to grab some and do something with them! Pretend they are challenges ^___^

Crossposted: gakuenheaven, blheaven, bl_academy, hamu_rabu

Cracktacular Plot Bunnies (set 5)
And Some That Actually Make Sense

201 Naruse Yukihiko / Niwa Tetsuya / The No.1 Playboy
"Well gee, Kaoru, I don't know what I was thinking," Tetsuya threw his hands up in the air, his brown eyes wide with hurt and mock-innocence, his voice loud and laced with sarcasm, "telling the Tennis club to apply for much-needed extra funding outside of school after you turned down all of their perfectly decent proposals - why, maybe you can't seem to admit that you're still pissed off at Naruse for playing you, but he played me too - don't say I didn't warn you when I warned you the first day you came and every other day after that - and that's still no reason to take it out on the other students, Head Treasurer!

202 Saionji Kaoru / Nakajima Hideaki / Faith
When Saionji wandered into the older student's dorm room, red-eyed and down-trodden like a lost little lamb, Nakajima glanced up sharply from the computer screen, looked him over and then sighed, "Niwa."

203 Niwa Ryuya / Matsuoka Jin / Irritation
It was kind of creepy, Tetsuya told Hide one day, the way Matsuoka-sensei seemed to keep tabs on him, and know exactly where to look should anyone ever needed to find him, to the point where dad calls the school nurse first.

204 Yoshizumi Hiroya / Niwa Ryuya / Set Me Free
From his reclined position on the hospital bed, Hiroya grinned up weakly, looking almost unseeingly towards his most-trusted cousin, "Promise me, Ryuya, that if my operation fails - if I can't see my brat grow up - you'll look after Tetsuya - as if he was your own 'cause... please, please, I don't ever want Jin to find out.

205 Niwa Tetsuya / Matsuoka Jin / Physical Education
"What is thi- these results can't be mine," Tetsuya said, waving a sheet of paper in Jin's face, and the older man blinked blankly as he went on, "Neither of my parents are type B, so I can't be, right?"

206 Naruse Yukihiko / Saionji Kaoru / Promise
When Kaoru smiled coyly at him and uttered a single, suggestive word. Yukihiko's mouth went dry and all he could do was nod.

207 Niwa Tetsuya / Yoshizumi Hiroya / Promise
"... Yoshizumi-sensei - oh, then you're the new guy - hi, uh," Tetsuya looked up from the badge on the man's lab coat, "I made an appointment with Matsuoka-sensei, so," why is this dude looking at me like he's seen a ghost?

208 Naruse Yukihiko / Saionji Kaoru / The No. 1 Playboy
When the exuberant blonde made a bee-line to some other "Honey ♥" right behind him, Kaoru discovered that it was over.

209 Endou Kazuki / Kuma-chan / Dorm Leader
Given the amount of school mascot teddy bears Endou had lying around on top of the bed in his dorm room, there was a time when Shinomiya seriously thought that the troublesome freshman was secretly in a relationship with the mysterious school Chairman, if not just obsessed with Suzubishi-san.

210 Yoshizumi Hiroya / Matsuoka Jin / Unexpected
"But Jin, I have to touch it," Hiroya whined, "If feels like I told you to try growing your hair out yesterday, only to wake up - yes, yes, from coma - and see you with... a wig, or something!"

211 Itou Keita / Iwai Takuto / Fear
Takuto looked up quickly, slipping the single-edged razor blade under his wristband when someone else walked into the infirmary, but - ah, Keita - looking into the younger boy's anxious eyes, he sighed and smiled vaguely, a fake thank you already at the tip of his tongue.

212 Nakajima Hideaki / Tonosama / Heat
"Umino-sensei," Satoshi blinked at hearing Nakajima-kun's very dry voice from his cell phone, "Please come and remove your cat from my trousers; it's unbecoming."

213 Endou Kazuki / Iwai Takuto / Platinum Paper
"That piece of 'flimsy, useless' paper you just tried to set fire to," Endou growled, and even Shinomiya fell silent, stunned as the normally laid-back boy vehemently continued, "It was not sent to you because of your father, Iwai-san, but because of your skills, your talent: you!"

214 Kuma-chan / Shinomiya Kouji / Crazy About You
"And love is a wonderful thinnnng," the stuffed teddy bear warbled, "Make you wannnnna, make you neeeeed ta, make you wish you hadn't said a thinnnng," and Shinomiwa swallowed the giant lump in his throat, hoping he could silently edge away before it noticed him, and wishing that he hadn't heard a thing.

215 Itou Keita / Nakajima Hideaki / Baby
First of all, male pregnancy is scientifically impossible, Nakajima reasoned to himself, his teeth clenched, and his fingers aching for the softness of Keita's throat, and secondly - his concentration snapped when the father-to-be ecstatically squealed.

216 Endou Kazuki / Endou Kazuki / Reality
When he woke up, the mirror in the ceiling told him that he was alone, that he wasn't the Suzubishi heir anymore, and that there was no Bell Liberty.

217 Nakajima Hideaki / Matsuoka Jin / Mobile Phone
At first glance, it looked as though Tetsuya was calling Matsuoka-sensei for something or other - but Hide knew better; the caller id picture resembled Tetsuya, and yet, Hide met Ryuya before...

218 Saionji Kaoru / Shichijou Omi / Student Council Vice President
Those acid thoughts that Omi had about Nakajima, Kaoru considered; if they would bleed through Omi's fingertips and spread onto the Web as quickly and easily as viral strains, he wanted each keystroke to dilute the hate, until his best friend could smile again without it being fake.

219 Ishizuka Yusuke / Matsuoka Jin / Christmas Party
"And then, and then, Kazuki swept Keita - hic - into his arms," Jin leaned heavily against Yusuke, "and... and then," the Chairman's secretary handed him another glass of eggnog with an extremely encouraging smile.

220 Nakajima Hideaki / Endou Kazuki / Curiosity
Hide smirked as he stroked a finger along Endou's jawline, relishing in the small shiver that ran through the older man's body as he whispered, "Well, let's just call it curiosity, shall we, Chairman?"

221 Shinomiya Kouji / Nakajima Hideaki / History
As he watched Niwa so casually swing an arm around Nakajima's shoulders, call him Hide and all that, Kouji felt his heart clench, regret for lost time and past mistakes that he'd made with his Nakajima Hideaki before they both met again at Bell Liberty.

222 Nakajima Hideaki / Naruse Yukihiko / Open Day
It was normal for Niwa to be all about on Open Day, while Nakajima was nowhere to be found, but all of a sudden, it mattered a lot, especially since the sex fiend was last seen with Naruse, the next event's Master of Ceremony and the school's number one playboy.

223 Nakajima Hideaki / Shinomiya Kouji / Sofa
Kouji felt an impending sense of doom when Hide turned to him and smirked during the impromptu Council meeting; the feeling only exacerbated when he felt a hand creeping up his thigh, a leg bumping against his, and Hide's breath against his neck; so close despite the huge student council couch.

224 Iwai Takuto / Itou Keita / Rain
"But, Iwai-san," Keita's cheeks grew hot when he looked up so that his words would not be muffled against Takuro's shirt, "I may not get as wet now, but y-you!"

225 Nakajima Hideaki / Shichijou Omi / Art Room
Silver hair against navy blue; the lines of two pale, lean backs pressed against each other, one smiles, the other smirks; long fingers tangled together in like a tangled net; blue eyes and violet eyes, looking to the camera with identical mischief-glints; the monochrome of their pants and half-opened shirts; the glint of a earring against a corner of a pair of rimless glasses; soft; the gentle curl of blue cigarette smoke making them seem almost ethereal... Iwai couldn't quite believe his luck.

226 Iwai Takuto / Shinomiya Kouji / Christmas Eve
Judging from the rather obvious shape of the bow-like thing under the Christmas tree, Kouji had been sure Takuto had gotten something for him - not Keita!

227 Naruse Yukihiko / Nakajima Hideaki / Tea Set
"Not 'Honey,' and no honey, please," Nakajima sighed; what had he done to Niwa or Saionji to deserve being set up with this guy?

228 Endou Kazuki / Matsuoka Jin / Gorgeous
Sometimes, as Matsuoka-sensei moves around in the infirmary, he doesn't seem to notice that his hair tie is coming undone, his wavy hair curling, shimmering over his back and shoulders like a silver river that makes Kazuki reaches out - only to catch himself, because of 'Keita.'

229 Taki Shunsuke / Ishizuka Yusuke / Misunderstanding
"Please, sir, I'll do anything for that scholarship - anything," Shunsuke fell to his knees, clutching the Chairman's secretary's trousers, and that was when the Vice Chairman finally walked into the office.

230 Matsuoka Jin / Yoshizumi Hiroya / Exams
"Ouch," Hiroya hissed, and brought his bleeding finger to his lips before Jin could tell him to wash the chemicals off of his hands first.

231 Saionji Kaoru / Shichijo Omi / English Tea
Kaoru tasted of rosemary and thyme today... because it was just how Omi liked it.

232 Tono-sama / Umehito Satoshi / I'll Be There For You
Unbeknownst to the petite professor, the reason no one dared approach him for anything - not even homework - was because his precious pet was an obsessive demon that actually grew horns on its furry forehead, a trident-shaped tail, and liked to station itself right outside the lab during his office hours because that school was full of perverts.

233 Shinomiya Kouji / Matsuoka Jin / Sweet Dreams
They still wake up screaming sometimes, with seemingly-endless apologies - for being slow, being inexperienced, or just not good enough to save the life of someone still precious to them, although now long gone - but at least they found each other...

234 Endou Kazuki / Kuma-chan / School Doctor
Upon spotting the bed, the teddy bears piled on it, and the sleeping man who could still pose as a first year student in a junior high school, Jin deeply regretted sneaking into the Suzubishi-heir's dorm room.

235 Matsuoka Jin / Shichijo Omi / Cooking
The light had long gone off, but when Jin finished talking to the surgeon, and he found his nephew still sitting there, outside the ER room, Saionji's favorite cookies - his best friend's home-made recipe - cooling and neglected on the floor, he sat down beside Omi, then pulled the boy into his arms.

236 Naruse Yukihiko / Itou Keita / Classroom
Nearly all eyes turned to the door when they heard, "Honey~," but Keita didn't know what to make of the way Kazuki's simply squeezed shut like he was starting to count to ten.

237 Niwa Tetsuya / Nakajima Hideaki / Changing Room
"Five more minutes, " Tetsuya groaned and rested his forehead against the cold tiled floor; Hideaki sighed and started counting the cracks on the ceiling all over again.

238 Kuma-chan / Ishizuka Yusuke / Student Council Vice President
Listening to that mousy little man who was shyly revealing his feelings for Nakajima Hideaki to a stuffed teddy bear was... oddly intriguing, especially since said bear had a listening device in it and the one listening to the Chairman's secretary was actually the subject of the confession.

239 Tono-sama / Kuma-chan / Ignore
Mrrowl, Tono-sama thought sourly, if Kuma-chan was going to give him the cold shoulder, two could play at that.

240 Shinomiya Kouji / Matsuoka Jin / Wakanabe Bridge
"After Itou Keita's 'lucky' dunk in the ocean," Jin dryly observed, "I highly doubt that your artist friend will still consider jumping off that bridge as an option, so please, do remember to spare some attention for me."

241 Naruse Yukihiko / Shinomiya Kouji / The No. 1 Playboy
Kouiji stepped back until he could feel the warm, clean, sun-dried bed sheets against his shoulders, and he could no longer run, unwilling to ruin good laundry - or so he told himself - as he finally let Yukihiko claim his lips.

242 Matsuoka Jin / Shinomiya Kouji / Green Tea
The tea was seeping into the floorboards, but Kouji didn't have it in him to voice a protest, not while Matsuoka-sensei had him pinned to down and was oh so helpfully lapping at the tea that'd been spilt over his chest.

243 Nakajima Hideaki / Nakajima Hideaki / The Treasury Dog
Shichijo Omi finally did it: he summoned a nicer version of his rival from An Alternate Universe... but it wasn't a swap, so when Nakajima-san met Hideaki-kun... narcissism was truly redefined.

244 Naruse Yukihiko / Kuma-chan / Kisses
Since it happened so often, self-defence became second nature; it'd been a split second's decision on Keita's part, which led to shoving something into Naruse's face because Kazuki was going to walk into the room any moment soon, but - too late - the Boy Next Door's face turned as red as Kuma-chan tie, then as blue as the stuffed toy's fur, and "Un-unhand that bear, you pervert!"

245 Iwai Takuto / Nakajima Hideaki / Anxiety
Nakajima was trying to stay quiet, Takuto could tell, as if the needle could not sting him, even as the artist injected more ink beneath his flesh.

246 Naruse Yukihiko / Itou Keita / Night Job
"And how many other people have you called 'honey' toda- no, just tonight!"

247 Taki Shunsuke / Taki Shunsuke / Forgiveness
Taki never considered what the vice chairman did to him as rape, because it had been an exchange - sex for tuition fees - and it was his own damned choice not to walk away when he had been offered the opportunity to do so every single time.

248 Iwai Takuto / Saionji Kaoru / Hospital Wing
Takuto was truly surprised when he woke up to face a shock of red hair; apparently, Saionji had brought him in last night, and fallen asleep by his side while waiting for him to wake up.

249 Endou Kazuki / Nakajima Hideaki / Laundry
Shinomiya did not want to know exactly why that troublesome Endou and that even more troublesome Nakajima were in his laundry room, much less why Nakajima's wrists were handcuffed above his head and his pants mysteriously missing; oh, no, he did not want to know at all.

250 Naruse Yukihiko / Itou Keita / Chairman Office
"And as for my prize for winning the MVP Challenges, Mister Chairman," Naruse smirked, "I want you to leave Keita alone."

[ set 1 ] - [ set 2 ] - [ set 3 ] - [ set 4 ]

crack, sentences, gakuen heaven, drabble, fan fiction

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