Apr 15, 2006 20:07
Haha, yesh. I'm bored. Wonder how figured that out. Poetry anthology is annoying the hell outa me. I dunno what to write for my intro and commentary. Why the hell would anyone write a commentary on one of their own poems anyways? Geez, talk about being demented. That plus since we had spring break, I forgot everything that I had learnt in math class, so I don't get what ny math homework is about at all...>>;; AND the fact that art is really annoying. >o< How the heck do you do this print thing anyways? *sighs* Ah whateva...on with this thingy I stole from Kat.
Best, Worst, Last, First, Today, Tomorrow, Favorites, Currently, and True & False.
b e s t
1. Male friend(s): George, LiuLiu, and Kyohei!! Sorry I couldn't get you anything...=(
2. Female friend(s): yaleen, jen, elimac, ava, minji, Marcella, zhaoyi aka mercury, linda, steffi!! LuLu, nix...etc
3. Vacation: was going to go to thailand during spring break, but cuz grandma's health dad had to fly back...blah blah blah..so we went to tagaytay instead...T_T
w o r s t
1. Time of day: when i jst wake up. VERY cranky. dnt say i didnt warn you. XD
2. Day of the week: Mondays. Practically dead at that time.
3. Food: anything that has to with bugs and frogs. Urgh. Don't even wana THINK about it...><
4. Memory: 1st grade, the day i went to back to school after a month absense due to chicken pox, and found that my bestfriend wouldn't talk to me anymore.
l a s t
1. Person you saw: mom
2. Talked to on the phone: yaleen
3. Hugged: my sis
4. Text: minji
5. messaged over myspace: i dnt have myspace...bt on msn it was george
t o d a y
1. What are you doing now: this survery, poetry anthology, listening to music and shouting at sis to make her shuddup. XP
2. Wearing: Snoopy spegetti, baggy navy blue shorts
3. Better than yesterday: not really. a day less of vacation. =(
t o m o r r o w
1. Is: april 15th, sunday, and the last day of spring break. TToTT
2. Got any plans: finish all work?
3. Goal: finish work, and still be able to do other stuff.
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: no more vacation = no more slacking (well...not full blast all day slacking anyways XP)
f a v o r i t e
1. Number: 7
3. Color: gold
4. Season: autumn babe!
c u r r e n t l y
1. Missing someone: my friends~~ havent seen them in a while
2. Mood: tired
3. Wanting: to finish my anthology
I am a cuddler- surprisingly yesh.
I am a morning person- HELL NO.
I am a perfectionist- nope. X3
I am an only child- nah, though sometimes it can get REALLY annoying. ><
I am currently in my pajamas- no
I am currently single- yep
I am currently suffering from a broken heart- nope. and hella glad.
I am left handed- I AM NORMAL...for once. righty! X3 (no ofense peeps~!!)
I am addicted to myspace- don't even have one....
I am online 24/7- wish i could. download anime faster that way =P
I am very shy around the opposite gender- depends on my mood, situation, and the person.
I bite my nails - no
I can be paranoid at times- ya, but not a common.
I currently have a crush on someone- nope. free and single babe~!!
I currently regret something that I have done- che. when you have an IQ like mine, you regret LOTS of things. believe me.
When I get mad I curse frequently- depends.
I enjoy country music- not really
I enjoy jazz music- ya
I enjoy smoothies- sometimes...
I enjoy talking on the phone- depends who's on the other end~~
I have a cell phone- yep
I have a hard time paying attention at school- sometimes.
I have a hidden talent- Of course!! I am a genius afta all!! Just haven't found it yet....XP
I have a lot to learn- NO. I AM THE HOLDER OF ALL KNOWLEDGE. MUHARHARHAR~~!! no duh. wadidya think?
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal- *gasp*how did you know?! o no...my secret has been discovered!! *sighs* fine then, i shall tell you...my secret is that I secretly....
I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" guy/girl- haha, maybe.
I have all my grandparents- sadly, no. my grandpa on my father's side died the year i was born. only saw him once. =(
I have at least one brother and/or sister- 1 sister. though she does act like a brother. that lil' tomboy. =P
I have been told that I am smart- quite the opposite. I am more oftenly told that i am stupid...lol (but yesh, i have been told that i am smart, alarming as it may be haha)
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor- yesh. or more precise, i have been told that i have a "weird, demented and sick sense of humor". proud man!! (lol)
I have broken a bone- nope!! =D
I have changed a diaper- urgh. disgusting memories of baby sitting my sister. ><
I have changed a lot over the past year- Yeah, I guess.
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color- ...I have never changed my hair color
I have had major/minor surgery- minor. VERY minor. simply extracting my wisdom teeth from inside my gums. nothing big. Though it still hurt like hell. ><
I have killed another person- not in a long time no. unfortunately, i have ran outa places to hide the bodies...(=P)
I have had my hair cut within the last week- havent had my hair cut within the last two years...-o-;;
I have had the cops called on me- nah, i stuffed all the cops into my closet already. XD
Bored and feeling sarcastic. Need I say more?
Whateva. Have fun.