[music| Listen to Your Heart]
Who was it that said families also work in perfect harmonies, that there is no such thing as the parent having the tendency to pile responsiibilities on the eldest and to dott the youngest?
Because whoever said that, they lied.
I are here to show thee proof (argh. excuse my lame attempt to be shakespeare-ish...)
Setting: Friday last week, in car driving home from school
Me: Mom, my bag strap broke today. Can you help me fix it when we get home?
Mom: What?! Again!? (for clarifications, this was the first time) No!! You always break stuff! Treat your things nicer!! I bet it broke because we always fling your bag to the ground!! The stuff it not made out of metal you know, it's plastic!"
Me: ....
Setting: Today, in car driving home from school
Sis: Mom, my bag strap broke today. Can you help me fix it when we get home?
Mom: What?! You didn't get hurt did you? I swear, school these days, giving you such heavy books to carry...even the bags can't take that weight for long!! I should go complain to the PTA! These books are stunting your health! And don't worry about it, I'll buy you a new one."
Sis: ....
See what I mean? >< poo. liars.
And what's most annoying is that I'm whinning about this on El Jay. I've been whining here a lot. Oh joy. I think this is a sign of old age. lol.
Math IA. pooooooooo. I like that word =P poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo