Random Stuff

Mar 09, 2007 21:59

Ahh, I just found this thingy saved on my computer...and since I'm supposed to be cleaning and clearing everything on my drives right now, thought that I might as well delete everything I can, which means that I should better post this on here...haha =P So yeah, hereya go, another entry of my underused LJ, haha~

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Post your results.
1) Could you see guanabana and daremo_chan together? HELL NO
2) What would daremo_chan give draconicality for his/her birthday? eh...choco
3) What do you agree with sakuhino about? yaoi-yumminess
4) What would fuchoin_kadsuki think of sakuhino? too pink..?
5) Does draconicality smoke? no
6) Would steffi_sy and guanabana make a good couple? Steffi is mine!!
7) Does sakuhino do drugs? If you count homosexuality as a drug, yes. X3
8) Is fuchoin_kadsuki a high school student? yesh
9) Does airbitrary have a dog? ah...sorry glo, I dno this one =(
10) Is fuchoin_kadsuki athletic? If she was, then I'd be in the Olympics XP
11) Is airbitrary a college student? nah
12) Does steffi_sy go to your school? yesh. graduating this year though =(
13) What video game does guanabana remind you of? penguins. I dno either.
14) What comic book character would mrs_caulfield be? Emily
15) What is sakuhino's biggest flaw? not having a sexy yaoi icon =P
16) What animal should fuchoin_kadsuki be combined with? dragons. Duh
17) What mental disorder does fuchoin_kadsuki remind you of? errr...all of them?
18) If daremo_chan and airbitrary were siamese twins, where would they be joined? the hair. XD
19) Would you set up draconicality and airbitrary? maaybe, just to see die of frustration from glo's immunity to corruption X3
20) How would detamina kill death_backpack? Ah...this is the most realistic one. I dno though. Den has a much wider imagination than I do. I'm curious too. Probably with sanzo's pink dildo!! X3
21) If guanabana had a superpower, what would it be? perfect grammar..wait, she already has that! Err..she has power to command people and make them listen! Ms. Stage Director-sama~ lol
22) How long would death_backpack dating draconicality last? ...XDDD This is the BEST. Probably forever, since they ARE the SAME PERSON. X3
23) What would you do if airbitrary died? Grieve at the lost of case study of weird immune witty genes and bring cupcakes to her funeral~
24) Is mrs_caulfield popular? Yes
25) Has sakuhino dyed their hair? Sorry, I dno about this one either =(
26) Is detamina friends with airbitrary? Yesh. Very close too.
27) Does daremo_chan have a crush on draconicality? No. I hope not.
28) Is fuchoin_kadsuki single? Last time I checked (which is pretty long..D=) she was.

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Post your results.
1) Where was sakuhino born? ehehe...sorry, I dno...=(
2) What animal should fuchoin_kadsuki be combined with? Dragons. Duh.
3) What would sakuhino think of fuchoin_kadsuki? yay, another shounenai fan?
4) Has daremo_chan been to your house/dorm? No
5) Is death_backpack related to daremo_chan? No. If they were it'd be amusing.
6) Where would mrs_caulfield most like to visit? Calvin's. They're so in love it's cute.
7) What flavor of jello would mrs_caulfield be? Raspberry
8) How would sakuhino kill fuchoin_kadsuki? ehh...weren't they supposed to be cousins? Oh well..I dno actually. Probably give her an oversdose of sexy guys? Damn, I wanna die like that XD
9) Is death_backpack a high school student? yesh
10) If steffi_sy commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? ..ME!! XD (Omg Steffi, this is so your dream come true...well, except for the 'me' part =P)
11) What is steffi_sy's favorite band/artist? ehhh..I don't think she has one (shit, I fail as a stalker. My life has ended >.<)
12) If mrs_caulfield took over the world, who would suffer? I quote: "Stupid F*cking Math Teachers!!" XD
13) sakuhino's eye color? brown
14) What rank would sakuhino have in a giant robot army? commander
15) Do you have mrs_caulfield's screenname? Mrs. Caulfield - life without you is a life long wasted
16) If detamina took over the world, who would be happy? ME. (again) Promote Sanzo and his pink dildo! XD
17) What is detamina's favorite color? pink. XD
18) If steffi_sy had a superpower, what would it be? The evil power to take over the world...or so she says.
19) Is detamina an emo? Sometimes
20) Is fuchoin_kadsuki single? Last time I checked (which is pretty long..D=) she was
21) Where did you first meet death_backpack? In school
22) When did you last call fuchoin_kadsuki? Before she ditched me for Canada..humph
23) Where was mrs_caulfield born? Here in the Philippines.

On a brighter note, I got Facebook!! =D It's sooooooooooooooooooo totally cool~~ <3 Even though it is addicting and is killing me time, killing me sleep and killing me grades. Not that they can get any lower than they are now...>>;;

So yeah...mmm, sleepy. Go sleep now. Night~ ^^


blogthings, quizes, steffy

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