Beardfaketaru vs T Rex legged Khimaira round#... w/e your not gonna drop it you bitch

Dec 13, 2007 21:56

Been busy with work and since it is the holiday thing in game have kinda slowed down. Ermm thought I had more stuff for this update but I guess not... D:

NIN things new and old:

This is my current NIN DEF set, this is with Pro, Defender , and Tav tacos. I have been getting better at macroing this in when it it needed. Was taking about 160-200 on NIN/DRK with this at KH and on NIN/WAR in dyna xarc demon hit reg were 350+ got them down to low 70s to 100s in this. I thought I took dmg SSs but I suck at tanking and taking pics D: its hard.

This is kinda my Magic DEF set somethings did not get macro'd in. Right now the current set is -12% Magic DMG taken, +37 MND, +5 MDB and about 1400 HP. I use Neptune's staff and Raptor leather strap +1 and sometimes Ethereal earring(for KH). It still needs alot of work though. I want to add Resolute belt(MDB +2) till I can get Lieutenant's Sash(Magic DMG taken -2%), Lamain Kaman +1, Denali wristbands(DMG taken-2). I have camped for Resentment cape but no dorp, I could try harder but the only thing thats is really holding me back is the fact that it does not work in areas where Windurst is in control and ToUA areas. I guess for planned events it would be good but I do not have much inventory space and I want my gear to work when I need it. I have also started to use Genbu's Kabuto over Green Ribbon +1 on some mobs, to me it just did not seem like 10 Ele resist would be better then 50 HP in certain situations. I do not really like to use empty HP though... could try to get Storm Turban but D: idk


I used to do basically nothing but camp HNMs, I would sit at Cerberus, Khimaira, Tiamat, for hours sometimes days camping, not to mention Kings and w/e events my LS did, but recently I have not been doing that as much basically because I was doing nothing for myself in game. I rarely Exp'd, Assualted, farmed, crafted just camped HNMs. Using Khimaira as an example, because it is heavily camped, I would basically camp it more then all the PLDs except for 1 and my PLD is 48. And sadly theres only a few people in my LS who would camp longer windowed HNMs. I could make mules for it but these days people have holding PTs and sneaky people logged out in the zone its hard to claim, so I think its better to be on my main job that way if something happens I can be right there ready to go. And I got tired on sitting at camps on my main character asking people to make a holding PT while I watched rival LSs have them and claim over us while we could do nothing.

But anyway today I went to camp Khimaira and asked if anyone would come and camp it, there was another LS there with 2 PLD, WHM, BLM. So after about a hour of being there I get BRD, WHM, PLD, RDM, BLM to join me and then...

Not 10 minutes after people got there it popped. We thought we had ToD from other HNMs and were even talking in PT chat about focusing for extra long but some of us got reckless. I looked down for 5 seconds then looked back to see it on top of me and the other LS casting on it. So they claim it, we are bummed cause they are holding it pretty well, but I did not see the other PLD so we were still prepared for a wipe.

I have camped this NM a lot so I know what Tourbillion does and how it works lol. So I saw it in chat log and even though I was far enough away I started running, Niko did not. This killed the PLD and the other one was nowhere in sight so they had a BLM and WHM and no chance. We claimed and killed was a really fun fight, no dorp though, we seriously have to be 1/30-40+.

But though all of the it reminded me of how much I like to tank HNMs. And I guess thats one of the major factors why I go out and camp bigger HNMs I just want to tank them and test my gear and new things. Getting dorps for people is cool also >:D


My new favorite spell for tanking Khimaira is poison. Since I can not use stun on Khimaira I used to just cycle though Bind, Sleep, then Ninjutsu over and over and that worked ok but there were still times when I just could not get hate from some PLDs (There are a lot of factors to this). Right before this fight I was looking at the Enmity Table on Kaeko's LJ and I saw that Poison has 320 VE, Stun has 1280 and 180 CE. With haste buffs and gear stun will be about 20-25 seconds recast and cost 25 MP while poison will be 1-3 seconds recast and cost 5 MP. After a while of casting Ninjutsu and Sleep + Bind I started casting poison, spamming it, and the results were very nice. I could cast it maybe say 15 times in the time it would take stun to recast, 15 X 320 = 4800 VE. Over time I think Poison could create more VE then stun or even Flash keeping my VE higher longer with little MP. This would probably only be usefull for fights where you did not need to sleep the HNM though. I am gonna try it on some other mobs and see if the results are the same. These numbers are not exact though I am just going off of memory from the fight. But it did help me keep hate alot better in this fight.


This is our 5th Mantle drop, so we now have four in LS, 3 that are active and 2 that actually get to see use... should just let NINs lot motherfuckingcocksuckingbitchasstrickkass... oh uh yeah 5th drop! Vagnagun got it and the next day he got Baha Mask! No pics cause I was on Tiamat Watch 07.

And in conclusion this update sucked. I lack cool pictures I do not know how some people can tank and take pictures at the same time. For me if I take a pic mid fight everything on the screen stops for at least 5 seconds. Its kinda scary when something like Tiamat or Cerberus it trying to eat you. So in place of cool action pics here I give you ...

Ooooooo das sexy. Till next crappy update! NINJA REPRESENT! Nobody likes NIN tanks these days... I'll save that for another time D:

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