Aug 31, 2005 08:41
One of my new roommates is an instructor for the usc drumline, and that means he knows a lot of people who work hard all week to the point of breaking and need some way to blow enormous amounts of steam off. So it's come down to my apartment becoming the party hub for the partiers at the music school. How?
Last weekend, there was an initiation for the new drumline kids, followed by some mad crunkery. Of course, the initiation ended late and we didn't get back to the apartment till 2, but it didn't stop until the last person either left or crashed in the living room at 6 in the morning. I believe that morning I was sleeping off a hangover until 3 or 4 in the afternoon.
So after I get up, I get informed that later that night there was a cd release party going on at our place. I obviously said it was cool. Again, I don't consider it morning until about early afternoon the next day.
It was in the first party of the weekend that I learned what it really is like to be too drunk to have feelings.
Oh yeah, met some girl at these parties. Dunno if it's that she's friendly to everybody or just to me, but she comes to music school stuff a lot so I have time to find out. She apparently finds stuff I say funny when she's drunk. But so did Veronica, and I joked about RAPE to her.
Also classes have begun to bend over, lift their sack and shake in fear of being raped by me.