This is it.

Sep 07, 2009 14:24

Celebrate Labor Day and eat extra grilled veggies for me, son, I'm outtie. My iPod is loaded with some phat beats and I'm kicking this country UK-style.

Thanks for keeping with me the last few months while I've bellyached about this, it's crazy that it's coming true. You LJ peeps have followed me on this whole journey and I'm hugely grateful for your kind words and encouragement.

My brother called me to wish me good luck. He just finished brewing some of his own beer. My dad has showed me a few of his sketches, he's teaching himself to draw. My family rules. Caitlin and Tessa are rocking the shit out of their schools and making sweet things. And everyone else I spent time with this summer, in real life and on the 'net, you've all got so many amazing things happening. I admire every single one of you. Same with all the incredible people at MICA. Your power and tenacity inspires me to do my best and have no fear.

I'll miss Minnesota and its people in a way that can only make my trip even better. And Baltimore, baby, you'll be even more beautiful when I get back.

family, study abroad, friends

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