I want to play this game so badly:
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If there's one thing I enjoy guiltily indulging myself in, it's Quinrose's Alice series. I mean, dating Alice in Wonderland characters? And half of them are borderline psychopaths? The idea is so retarded it's awesome. And even without the Lewis Carroll gimmicks, it's a genuinely addictive game. And Quinrose somehow managed to gather up some really big name voice actors like Lelouch, Kamina, Zoro, Kyon and Sasuke. Except I'm sure they have real names, you know.
So now I'm going spend this entire weekend scouring the internet for torrents. Or maybe if I get a job I'll actually legitimately purchase the game. (Not likely, but I can wish.)
I got "tagged" by
mouichi, except by "tagged", I actually mean I volunteered. Yep.
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".
1. I don't even really like otome games all that much, but QuinRose's Alice series is my incredibly guilty pleasure. It's like an idea that's so retarded that it actually works. Oh, and you know, it's actually a really fun game. Yeah. I wish I had someone else to fangirl about it with. That was a fact, right?
2. I live in front of this huge mostly-empty parking lot that I have to walk through to get to school, so I always sing in a really loud and obnoxious voice when no one's around.
3. I keep telling myself that I'm going to cosplay for cons but in the end, I'm either too poor or lazy to actually carry out the plans.
4. People who spew internet memes in real life conversations should be punched in the face.
5. Some of my friends think I'm cool because I like things that no one's ever heard of it. I guess it's nice being a one-man fandom, but it gets really ronery sometimes.
6. "Marionette" by Rolly makes me think of Gin to Kin for some strange reason.
7. I totally typed all these facts up then forgot to save the entry. :|