Mar 31, 2014 11:11
First of all, thank you all for being so supportive and caring. It really means a lot.
Saturday the blood flow was reverse- yesterday is was just elevated, and today I'm not sure about. One of the high risk doctors came in today to tell me her heart rate has more decelerations and asked me what I wanted to do if it continued or got worse. I said treat her/us like normal- what would normally be done? He said a csection. He told me there's a chance she "crashes and burns" or essentially dies inside me. But I asked when the csection would be done and he told me that's a decision my regular doctor will make- well my regular doctor isn't back until Wednesday. No one has been seeing me except for the high risk doctors. The nurse said it would be my doctors partner- but that she wouldn't call him until something drastic changed on the heart rate. Ugh!! He should be coming by today for rounds, but she said she doesn't know when that will be. I'm trying to get family here but my partner had a doctor appointment so it's taking time for him to get back. My dad just left work and is about two hours away. I need someone here because I feel helpless in this bed! I want to know what's going on and I want to be able to talk to a doctor but they won't call him!! Even after the high risk doctor said essentially a csection is what he'd do and there's a chance of her dying inside me right now. I'm so, so scared. I don't know if it would be better for her to be born now or just to wait until something gets worse. I'm confused by everyone. One doctor says wait, the other doctor says it's dangerous to wait and her heart rate is getting worse, nurse says heart rate is still okay but just more decels- not bad enough.yet. Ugh!!
via ljapp