when i grow up i'm going to martha

Jul 07, 2007 12:56

In an attempt to bake my anger at work out, I decided to make some lemon crisps today.

Me being me, I of course fudged the recipe. I don't think there has ever been a time where I've cooked something and I haven't done a step wrong, put in an ingredient at the wrong moment or just completely forgetent an ingredient all together. I'm a great cook like that. Well, a great enough cook to save most of my attempts at cooking/baking that I turn out something decent.

So, today's calamity included me mixing ingredients all together when they should of been done in different bowls. It was just luck that it turned out decently enough by the end of it all and I wasn't left with something I couldn't save.

Now, I'm just waiting for them to come out of the oven and see how well my fudged up lemon crisps turn out. I didn't cut them thinly enough so they'll be more than crisps that's for sure.

ETA: My house smells like lemons and my not so lemon crisps are all full of lemony goodness! Just a tad too lemony for most, but just right for me!

i can cook too!

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