Those Petrelli's? Truly the most awesomest family that ever did live in tv land right now!
Ma Petrelli is intriguing. What is her power? And what was that comment about coming back into the madness of having super powers? What's the story, Ma Petrelli?
Also, I'm going to say Pa Petrelli totally had a power too. Why leave him out when everyone else has a power?
I'm not stupid enough to really think Peter was dead but I have to admit I cried a bit when Nathan clutched Peter to his chest. Oh, those Petrelli's sure know how to mess with your heart strings. And! And! "I don't know who I am without you." !!!! Sweet holy mother of god, those Petrelli boys are so fantastically wonderful in everyway.
Seriously, though, why didn't Mohinder pop a cap into Sylar's arse whilst he was out? Peter was dead to him so it wouldn't have taken more than a few seconds to kill Sylar. Yes, yes, Sylar is one scary bastard and chances were he could of just woken up any time, but come on! If Mohinder could get Peter's body out with him, I'm sure there was enough time to kill Sylar.
Parkman is beginning to look likeable. If he keeps on growing a backbone and great screen time with HRG then I will be all for the Parkman love.
Linderman is totally Magneto isn't he? He's going to suck all the metal out of you body and use it for something evil.
Hiro! Future!Hiro! Oh, the shennanigans that could happen there!
Next week really just needs to come now so all my answers, or at least some of them can be answered!
It would seem I'm making a habit of posting to eljay a handful of times a month. It's not that I don't have anything say, in fact I have too much, it's just that when I sit down to type a post, the whole process from my head to the screen stalls. So, eljay, I promise to try harder to be post more.