Why I Wish It Was Dec. 5th Already; An Essay by
kaffy_smaffy Aged 21 yrs old.
If it was the 5th of Decemeber, I would have completed my 8 assignments and 2 exams that I have all due in the coming weeks. But, it isn't so I have an assignment due this week which is piss weak easy, but seems to be taking a day and an age to to do. Next week I have 3 assesments due. 2 on Monday, which I haven't started on, and 1 on the Wednesday. Then, 2 the following week, 1 more after that and then exams! If it was the 5th already, I wouldn't be procrastinating nor would I be stressing myself out with this truckload full of uni work that I have either yet to start or have started but am avoiding finishing.
If it was the 5th, my cousin would be married already. He'd of been married for well over a month, and I'd be free of pestering about my attempts to buy appropriate clothing for his wedding. I know everyone seems to have forgotten that I am in my last semester of uni (fingers crosses) and with that comes stress and assesments. I don't have time, nor do I care about what I will look like on his wedding day. Everyone should just be glad my ass will be there.
If it was the 5th, I'd be on my way to Thailand! I'd be visiting temples, eating thai food, celebrating the king's birthday and basically having the time of my life!
Finally, if it was the 5th of Decemeber, I wouldn't have to whine as much as I am now.
So, uni assesments due, I procrastinate by mainlining as much tv as I can in the smallest amount of time. If I wasn't so stressed out, I'd do a detailed rundown of everything I've watched, but I am, so you get a jumbled list! Not planning on spoiling much, but still, I'm not gonna cut for spoilers so a quick scroll might be needed right about now
1. Clowns. No one loves them. No. One. Everyone does love a slightly unhinged Dean, though.
2. Lee Adama=still fat=hilarious. Even funnier when Adama cracks fat jokes about his own son. Not hilarious, the existance of Dee still.
3. Spencer Reid looks hot in glasses.
4. I hate Cameron. Love House. Don't love House being proud of Cameron, though. Do love House having jailbait chase after him.
5. Brian Kinney: The FBI Years bores me and yet I continue to watch. It's like an illness.
6. Matt and Danny= soinlove! Studio 60, isn't TWW but it will do.
7. McDreamy must die. Really. Pain should be involved.
There was more but my brain can only come up with so much when I'm this stressed. Seriously, I need a big bottle of booze and a time machine. Stat.