Highlight of today: Having the bejesuses scared out of me when a daddy-long-legs decided to come on down and dangle in front of my face! The coughing fit after that little shebang was astronomical to say the least.
I'm 4 episodes into the first season of Criminal Minds and I am seriously head over heels in love with one Dr Spencer Ried. I just don't have the words to describe my adoration for him.
This, from last night's ep, sure did tip me over into the "omg! I love him! SOMUCH!" category. You can't not love him for wearing that hat.
I've recently been noticing an inordinate amount of people, more like 3 or 4 mentions, on the flist have been commenting about nutella in their post. And, because I want to further the love of nutella and it's hazelnutty goodness, I give you
the recipe for a Nutella Cake. This cake is to die for! It might be a tad rich for some but I'm willing to put that aside for some kick ass cake.
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are tres cute. Add into the mix of their little baby Violet and I go into conniptions of joy. So,
reading this little tid bit about their wee family makes me squeal with joy. He makes food for the baby! And Jen thinks it might be too complicated for him to do! OMG IT'S ALL TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!
1. What is your main cell phone ring-tone?
99 problems - Jay-Z
2. What is your default LJ icon?
I took a day and an age to find the perfect picture so I'm milking it's default-ness for all its worth.
3. What station is your car radio permanently tuned to?
It's the train all the way for me, so my ipod is my radio. I do normally turn to Nova when I get into the parentals car, though.
4. What is your computer desktop image?
The desktop is
Roy and Hughes and on Gandalf, I have
Byakuya in all his shinigami hotness. I'm such a anime nerd sometimes.
5. Is there something you wear every single day?
My necklace
6. I wish I had a tracking device on:
My mobile. And keys!
7. What page does your internet browser open with?
8. This item never leaves my car/purse:
Student ID and my green p plate never leave the parentals car.
9. What TV show do you never miss?
I hardly ever watch tv on tv, but since I haven't gotten around to d/ling Criminal Minds, I've been pretty diligent in catching it on tv.
10. What phrase do you hear yourself repeating too often?
Oh my god. I say it so much that StinkyJ has taken to uttering it as much as I do. I say 'Man' a lot too. And I generally throw out the 'I hate [insert object/person/anything]' phrase several times a day.
I hear thunder! That means possible rain! Yay!