Three Weeks and a Few
Somehow, it appears I've gone *checks calendar* 25 days without posting. I've checked in occasionally with other people, but apparently I haven't had enough on my mind that I thought worth saying to put fingers to keyboard.
For someone for whom "prolix" should be a middle name, this is unacceptable. And here I am to repair my posting record.
I found time over the last 3 weeks to write and send out 85 Christmas and holiday cards* and 5 ecards, and that made me happy, because it's the one Christmasy/holidayish thing that I insist on doing. For Reasons. (The asterisk is to say that if you'd like a New Year's card from me, DM me! I'm quite serious about that.) We haven't decorated this year; as Bob says, "You decorate for guests and loved ones who share the holiday with you, and this year, we have neither." But give up on sending cards? Nope. not gonna happen.
I'm also planning a very tiny Christmas dinner for the two of us, for which I'm going to dress up both the table and me. There are some parts of my personal holiday liturgy that I still want to sing.
I got us our household Christmas present: a new vacuum cleaner. Our old Dirt Devil upright vacuum was purchased some time between 2000 and 2004, while Andy was still teenager, and we bought it at a backyard second hand sale, the kind where there were a lot of other vacuums, all of which had, presumably, fallen off a truck. It did more than yeoman's duty over the years, but it was time to bid it a fond farewell. Now we're discovering the joys of a Dyson canister vacuum.
Weather here in Chicago has been forecast to be snowless and cold on Friday. I don't mind that.
I'm promising myself that I will complete reading three zines, one from the most estimable
supergee , and two others that an old SFF fandom acquaintance has sent me. They've all been in the tbr pile for some time now, and I'd like to enter 2021 with a cleanish zine slate. We shall see.
Well, what do you know? I finished a post. w00t!!1!
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