It's Probably Past Her Birthday Now ....
But many, many happy returns of the probably previous day to thisbluespirit, one of the loveliest people I've had the privilege of getting to know online. She's one of the people I wish to one day meet in three-dee life, (I won't say RL, since I consider These Here Intarwebz also RL),if I ever make it to that side of the Atlantic, and if she's up for a Canadian visitor from Chicago. Not only is she kind, and funny, and a tremendously talented fiction writer, she's someone who can draw me into her adventures in family history, her love of James Maxwell (totally understandable) and David Collings (the latter especailly. Oh, my, don't I wish I'd had the chance to meet him, and aren't I sad that he's somewhere chatting with Ruby and Gold and not here, although him being Silver, he can more than hold his own in conversation, but I digress!) ... and of course, Sapphire and Steel, to which I'm now addicted.
I hope that you are in good health, that you are navigating these uncertain time with the aplomb and cheer for which I admire you so much; I hope the weather treats you well, and that you can get out of the house, even if it's just to a garden; I hope I can be online a little more, and can interact with you more. No matter what, I'm so glad I know you - Happy Birthday!
- Current Mood:
contemplative - Current Location: the home office