Taking the Plunge
I've decided that I'm going to start uploading Hearts & Moons to AO3, something I've avoided to date. I'll upload one chapter every 4-5 days to start (although I may do the prologue and first chapter at the same time), and I'll try to time the uploads so that the story will be finished by the time I reach Chapter 26.
I made the decision because I've now got two completed chapters, 26 and 27, in the hopper, and the chapter I believe to be the penultimate one, Chapter 28, is somewhere between one-third and one-half completed. After that, there's either one final chapter or a very hefty epilogue.
I think there are enough completed chapters that doing a relatively slow but steady stream of chapters to AO3 will keep me going on the writing front.* After all, I'm already in the "I have to take a break from my Real World work to get another couple of paragraphs written or edited on this story" stage of writing. That bite at the base of my brain (or possibly in my gut) won't lift until the chapter is finished, and once 28 is done, I'll be able to see the route to the exit door, as it were.
So, yeah, taking the plunge, with upload work starting tonight. Wish me luck.
*And if you haven't started reading the story because it's a WIP, you can at least consider starting to read it over on AO3, trusting that things will be finished by the time you reach what is currently the end. If that makes sense.)
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