Dept. of Getting Back Up On The Horse

Jun 22, 2017 15:49

For A Start

lydy  is brilliant. She is a bit of a force of nature, one I would like to see more of, learn more about, and in general have more a part of my world. I still treasure a night many, many years ago, in the "secret" consuite at Minicon, when I had the benefit of her humor and intellect.

I think I agree with her on things cultural, political, emotional and intellectual at least 80 percent of the time. The other 20 percent of the time? I suspect that we'd probably have some interesting discussions.

She has written an essay that I believe is well worth reading and thinking about, concerning how women, the world, and "the rules" - for every single value and power of "the rules" that might exist in this universe - intersect. It is her answer, or at least an excellent precis of her answer (because her real answer is the way she approaches the world every day), to the question many men ask (in which the asking is too often more complaint about having their privilege questioned than actual question) of women: "How can I interact with you women without being a douche, if you won't tell me the rules?"

I think I agree about 95 percent with this one. And even if I didn't agree with it nearly that much, it's still an excellent starting place for conversations, or indeed for an internal dialogue, if one were inclined to think about it. Because, as I said, 
lydy  is brilliant, and brilliance nearly always is an excellent light by which to make one's way in this world. And, as she said to me when I asked if I could link, she wants to start conversations. This entry was originally posted at, where there are currently
comments. You can comment there or here, but prefer to read over on DW. You can comment there using open ID if you don't have a DW account.

good people, lovely things, interesting people

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