I Am Running Around in All Directions
I am not quite acting like a chicken with its head cut off (and yes, children, that was a thing in the days when one might dispatch a chicken for dinner), but whatever I'm doing is very close to that. I shall search for a simile when I have time
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I very much hope your procedure went well! *hugs you very gently*
Oh, and your icon reminds me, I watched some of Shadow of the Tower via YouTube, and I think the acting in it (other than James Maxwell) got better as the episodes went on. The actress playing his wife was a little "stagey" at first, but improved vastly, in my not very humble opinion.
And oh, Maxwell's voice! There was something about the way he presented Henry VII!
I have been delaying answering this because you have no notion how happy it made me to read that! And, yes, something is very off in at least parts of Ep1 all round, really, I don't know what was going on there (and Norma West is indeed much better later on; perhaps it was just the acting down as a teenager she wasn't so good at, who knows?). Or, very likely, being a fellow fannish sort, you can easily imagine exactly how happy I felt. :-D
I think, for me, although there are lots of excellent actors in it, the two other stand-out performances (at least, of the one-off guest cast) are John Franklyn-Robbins as Stanley in ep6, and Christopher Neame as Warwick in episode12.
I hadn't seen James Maxwell in anything before I watched this, so it's very good to know that somebody else can have a similar sort of reaction. The voice thing in particular - I stumbled over that, rather, in my initial efforts to find some other things he'd done, because it is marvellous in SotT, but his accent (being I suppose fake anyway at least 90% of the time in any given role) is different every time, and few of them are anything like his Henry voice and I was a disgruntled viewer as a result (even when Amazon didn't send me the wrong JM-free bit of Raffles to confound me). But as you can tell I got over that. :loL: (I like his softer voices, and his random booming Scottish accents, and his endless run of East German-accented spies. But his Henry voice is the best. I suspect the nearest to that would be some of his grander stage roles - he was apparently a very good Prospero, and the Duke in Measure for Measure, and loads of other things.)
I had just been rewatching it myself, as you can probably tell from my entries and, as ever, finding myself shifting on what exactly I think about his Henry; there's always something further to wonder about each time and I do love it, for all its faults. It's weird and deliberately stagey, but it's also good-weird and interesting too. (I think!)
Anyway, I hope you are feeling okay this weekend and taking good care of yourself post medical unpleasantness! ♥
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