Oh, wonderful fandom! Oh, wonderful
fandom_stocking !
This Christmas season (yes, it's a time of year when I believe in stories that are true even if they never happened, because we all fight our battles against the dark in the way we were raised) is normally extremely good for me.
This year, it was ... not. Not Christmas, certainly. No tree, no lights, no Christmas dinner to cook and present with love to those I love, something I missed despite having lovely dinners out with people I love. FB was gone, BB and I were still intermittently dealing with health and lack o'wealth, and this year I was engulfed in deadly serious battles at work and about work and on behalf of work, and all around I saw this old world being bloody and brutal and stupid and futile.
Goodness. As you can see, I stood in danger of getting all wrapped up in everything grey and second-year-university-sophomoric-certainty-of-doom.
What helped keep me going, despite initial certainty that I couldn't write anything, was
fandom_stocking , and the pure joy of writing for folks; of finding neat recipes for people and getting out of the RL part of my head for awhile, whilst diving into the kick-started creative annex in my head.
So thank you, everyone for whom I wrote, or to whom I gave a recipe; you made me feel better, every time I tucked something into one of your stockings. Woo-hoo!
But Wait! There's More!
Of course there is. The other half of
fandom_stocking is getting wonderful things in one's own stocking. Because, let's face it, we're all kids at heart, hoping for something that tells us someone really likes us enough to present us with something wonderful and glittery, or soft and warm, or energizing and awesome.
(Beware. Here be too many exclamation points, and uses of the words wonderful, gorgeoous and lovely.)
And I got such wonderful things!
To start with, all the wonderful pictures of good wishes! Thank you
juniperphoenix, for your blue-tinged candles and best wishes; thank you
aquakitty1864 for the cheerful kitten in the Santa Hat!
Thank you,
tarlanx for the lovely graphic of Nathan - one of my favorites from Eureka - in all his sardonic and sartorially yummy glory!
cookiegirl , many thanks for the kinetically cheerful picture of Peter and Neal - and the icons. I can haz White Collar icons thanks to you - filled with four of my favorite WC characters (and potential OT3/4s), too!
I got holiday wishes that made me feel good - simple good wishes can sometimes be as good as nutrition - from some anonymous well-wisher and from the good
canaan , who always makes me smile. And
yeomanrand showed excellent taste as she proferred me Gaiman's New Year Wish. Thank you all!
And then there were the recs, for stories, fanvids, art - so very, very much fannish goodness; brilliant and funny and heartbreaking and glorious.
Thank you to
lost_spook for the wonderful Sapphire and Steel recs, and for her story, "The Rose Garden" which is so quietly, powerfully lovely and full of my newest OT3. Thank you so much for introducing me to a new fandom!
Thank you to
fuzzyboo for her drive-by fic rec "The Practice of Barrayaran Sex", which is absolutely brilliant Aral/Cordelia in the Vorkosiverse.
ghanimasun provided me with fanvid recs for Farscape, Battlestar Galactica and Who, and all of them were far more than worth it.
Thank you
redfiona99 for the art recs - filled with sweetness and quirky humor.
Thank you,
sahiya for the White Collar and Vorkosiverse/DW recs - I have had a blast with them (and the Somewhere Out of Time story was just top drawer!
Thank you so much to the lovely
ladymercury_10 for a rich list of DW fic recs, all of them of stabbingly good quality!
And oh, the stories - to
sheffsfic, a great big thank you for the Jack/Aral/Cordelia ficlet.
To the redoubtable
yamx , thanks for another of her memorable historic Jack/Nine/Rose OT3 drabbles.
And to
eve11 for her hearts-expandingly beautiful TARDIS haiku story - many, many thanks!
So There You Have It
all of you - all my gratitude for making this year's off-kilter holiday ever so much better with your creativity, kindness, invention and warmth!
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http://kaffyr.dreamwidth.org/245138.html?mode=reply, where there are currently
comments. You can comment
there or here; I watch both.