Countdown Clock by Booked on Friday, after complete madness. It was worse than last year for us to book. last year we snuck in right as they announced that the website was being overloaded and to wait a bit..we snuck in and made our reservations with no problem. This year, we couldn't even get the website to pull up for us... when I finally was able to get in, there were no problems.. Only our cards had already been charged for cabins, that we didn't have confirmations for! So began the fiasco of calling the ticketing agency to have them fax a letter to our banks to remove the held $$ .. Mine took all of 5-10 minutes (after being on hold with them for 30 min while @ work!) but my friend STILL hasn't had her money reversed and she's over drawn. :(
So. yeah it sucked big time. Some people had no issues whatsoever, and THAT i don't understand, but hey, we're on the ship in '11! :-D