Trove: search all things Australian

Nov 08, 2009 12:21

I'm unreasonably excited about Trove (aka the National Library's 'Single Business Discovery Service') - this is the cross-search platform which allows you to do a keyword search and get results from Picture Australia, historic  newspapers, People Australia (bios and identities - under development), Libraries Australia (books held throughout Australia), Australian research repositories and archives and other sources.

They're also going to have the Australian Women's Weekly digitised (next year?) up to about 1982, so that'll be a nice inclusion.

The particularly exciting bits are:
* user tagging - add tags so you can find the data again. If you set them as 'public' they are included in the keyword search index, which helps other researchers
* FRBRised displays - basically this library jargon means that results are nested so that the different editions or reprints of the one book (for eg) will call come up in a single record rather than filling up your results screen. After you click into that you can select the French edition, the audio book, etc and see where that's held in Australia.
* crowdsourcing - they're already letting people fix badly OCRed articles in the digitised newspapers, and they're also letting people loose on combining works together (for the FRBRising)
* set your home libraries - when signed in, it'll flag the results in your preferred libraries. By default it shows which results are available online

Still to come
* article search links through to the full text at your home library - this is under discussion, but could potentially save libraries a fortune if they get it implemented.
* user trails and lists - create a 'story' within the data

(Can you tell I've just been to a conference?)

frbr, trove, libraries, tagging

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