I had a super weekend. I have way too much fun with pj. It should be like....illegal. Be jealous of how cool we are:
hollerrr. If only someone had videotaped us dancing...that would've been fab.
My last week of classes starts tomorrow and finals are next week. I cant WAIT to start packing up my shit. I definitely brought way too much stuff to school this year, remind me to leave half of it at home next year.
I read a few books this year... The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Tuesdays With Morrie, Running With Scissors, Smashed, and I'm about to start My Sister's Keeper. This whole reading thing is actually a huge accomplishment for me, considering I hardly ever read anything outside of school, with the exception of Harry Potter. I never had any interest in books before now I think because I just didn't realize that not all of them are as boring as the ones we read in school. UGH like fucking As I Lay Dying...we read that this semester and I couldn't stand it. But I think it's funny that it reminds me of the Oregon Trail...ha..ha.........heh.
Top 5 Awesome Things About This Weekend:
PJ's naked mermaid tie
Drinking chardonnay...in honor of Mother's Day of course (Babs's wine of choice...oh Sunshine)
Laughing at my coach being bored and unhappy at formal mwahaha
PJ flirting with her
Getting closer to getting the fuck out of hofstra :)