(no subject)

Mar 19, 2007 18:19

First, let us gaze upon my new wife, Emma Ditchburn.

She's not my wife yet, but she will be one day.

So this weekend was real good. Friday night Scotty and I drove up to London to see The Most Serene Republic. Since I didn't think I was going to be able to go to the show at The Avalon on Saturday, and I didn't want to miss them. The drive up went as well as can be expected and it wasn't until we got off the 401 going into London that I realized that I had forgotten my insulin at home. Oops! Oh well.

We parked downtown and made our way to this little chinese buffet dive for dinner about a block and a half away from the club. After dinner we hightailed it to the club to catch TMSR doing their soundcheck. I was pumped. After the soundcheck I went up to meet the band and have them sign the CD I bought at the merch table. (I like to buy music at the band's shows because I know that they make the maximum money off it. No middle man.) I introduced myself to Ryan, one of the guitarists, and said that I had come up from Windsor because I wasn't sure if I was going to make the show or not. He said that this would be a better show anyway because the stage is set up better than at the Avalon. We shot the shit about Windsor and whatnot for a sec while some of the other guys signed the CD. I then met Adrian (The lead singer) near the merch table and Emma (*sigh* the female vocalist/my new crush). I was pumped for the show. They played The Postal Service and I chatted with Scotty about music and stuff. They had two opening acts. One was a local guy that went under the name Electric Pony. It was a loop pedal show, but I really enjoyed it. Scotty did too. By the second opening act, my high blood sugar was getting the best of me and I wasn't feelng well. Scotty went to sit down and I watched the act half-assedly. They weren't that great. But it turns out that they were coming into the shitty buffet as Scotty and I were leaving earlier in the eve. So that was kind of neat. Right after they left the stage I staked out my spot directly in front of where Emma had soundchecked earlier. I wasn't leaving for nothin'! It was an amazing show and easily ranks as one of the best I've ever seen. I couldn't really get good pictures of Emma because I was so close to her, but it was really great none-the-less.

(to be continued... part two of the weekend to come)
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