May 18, 2003 18:25
>> You and Yourself
1) What's your name? - Katie,Kaeti, Katherine(from the Birth certificate, Stupid Poo Head (from Ben), S**t head(from my dad)
2) Do you like your name? - um i guess, its just that there are allot of people named 'katie' in a sence...hence spelling arrangemnet
3) What other names were your parents going to name you? Samantha.
4) And if you were born the opposite sex? - Sam?
5) What is the most annoying name? - Tiffany...HAHA! er i dunno the names of the people i dislike.
6) What is the most attractive name? - hot names that belong to hot men, names that fit perfectly and i really dont care..
7) Ever wish you were a member of the opposite sex? yea i would do mean naughthy things though,...mostly peeing standing up...on a wall or you face...not really i kinda like being a girl.
8) How often do you wash/bathe? shyuh...all the time!! once or twice a day. come on people.
9) Where do you shave? no my head thats for sure
10) How do you relax? sleep,listen to music, burn candles maybe, beat up tiffany,i dunno im not really relaxed anymore.
11) What are your pet peeves? people who lie to me, people who lie period, mean obnoxios basically i annoymyself...0_o
>> You and Others
1) Who is your best friend? Tiffany. hah. Pattey.
2) Why are they your best friend? the only friend i have.
3) Do you have many enemies? hoho you bet i do...did i mention no one likes me?
4) Do you find it easy to get on with other people? not really.
5) Do you talk to strangers? eff no!
6) Prefer to talk to people younger or older than you? Older.
7) Are you patient when talking to others? Im never patient.
8) How do you deal with people that annoy you? i deal violently. wether verbal or physical
9) Would you say you are polite? what... yea i am, i raised that way.
10) Do you talk to your neighbors? not really.
11) If you see an accident or incident, do you inquire about it?-no...maybe would too
>> You and Love
1) Are you in a relationship with anyone? i doubt it.
2) If so, do you think he/she is 'the one'? yes i do.
3) If not, are you currently looking? im always looking lol. not lately i havent been.
4) Would you ever have an affair, and why? - No
5) Do you agree with casual sex? would you agree with me casually kicking your ass?
6) Would you have a relationship with someone that already had children? NO
7) How old do you want to be when you marry? i doubt i will get married.
8) Or have children? - NO
9) What would you call your future children? (Male and Female) - i hope to have boys lol. and i dunno yet.
10) Would you ever marry an 80-year-old millionaire? - one whos dying in the next month. can we say anna nicole? no i totally doubt it.
11) What is your age limit for relationships? - Im edgy on relationships right now. not too old and i need to quit hitting on the youngings...well im no on over 20, i really dont like to date anyone past 19.
>> You and Life
1) What do you want as a future career? - Artist, Musician, Tattoo Artist, mentally ill patient of Kristins. Advertismnet graphics desing, webdesigner.
2) What are your ambitions? Do do what i want, to be with who i want and to live my life.
3) How long do you want to live for? forever. i want to be a zombie.
4) Believe in growing old disgracefully? - eff no.
5) How would you want to die? - hello, living forever. zombie remember. in a vat of chemicals to where it would force me to live forever.
6) How would you want your funeral? Me.
7) Would you kill yourself if a loved one died? No, but i would be sad.
8) If you had one last request, what would it be? - Can i have a hug?
9) If you only had a month to live, what would you do? find a zombie to bite me.
10) What is the point of life? - To live way.
11) What are you living for? - anything or any hope that something good i will happen one day.
>> What is your opinion on...
1) The war against Iraq? - Its over.
2) Discrimination? - Dont belive in it.
3) Smacking children? - Hit the parent back
4) Football hooligans? - Hit them too.
5) The fire service strikes? - BURN.
6) Obesity? - im fat so shut the hell up...not really im healthy man.
7) Online dating? - fuck you.
10) Vegetarian diets? - like them, never partake.
11) Self harm? - dont belive in it.
>> You and Situations
1) If you could save only one person from a burning building, your favored parental figure or a doctor with the knowledge to cure a disease such as HIV or cancer, whom would you save? - umm...oh them both..theres always a way.
2) If you (or your other half) were expecting a child, but were told that due to unfortunate complications, only the mother or child could be saved, which would you let die? - let the kid go...its sad..i know but..i dunno...
3) If you were trapped in a lift that was about to collapse with a elderly lady and a young boy, who has the right to escape first? - little boy, granny would want it that way/
4) How would you react if you came home and caught your best friend cheating on your trusted other half? - you dont wanna know.
5) Would you sacrifice your own life for a loved one or family member? - Yes.
6) Would you ever donate any of your organs to anyone, either a loved one or a total stranger that needed it? - Yep.
7) Would you ever abort your own child, or place them up for adoption if they were disabled or unplanned? - yes i would.
8) If your best friend's other half was cheating on them, and you knew, would you tell your friend, or confront his other half? - um confront the other half, then then the other.
9) How would you react if your own child was a murderer and placed on death row? Would you campaign for or against their life? - naturally motherly instict, but really if had a murder for a child i should be palced on death row for rasing him that way.
10) If a family member or loved one were killed either through an accident or murder, would you demand justice, the killer's death, or try and forgive them? - eye for and eye sucker, you get what you put out.
11) Finally, if you were called up for war, would you go for your country, or refuse and face jail? - i hate war...depends on the cause.