It's Saturday yet!

Jan 21, 2006 09:59

*contented sigh* I'm sitting here w/ music on, reading Dynasty of Ghosts with Jennie wrapped in a blanket beside me. Jude's contemplating the inside of his eyelids not too far away, Will's still asleep, BJ's in my room somewhere and Brenna's outside. It's quiet and peaceful, and I have no reason to rush around today. Just as a Saturday should be.

Plans for today:
+ laundry
+ replace broken blinds in bedroom
+ bill paying/filing
+ nap
+ possibly vacuuming/mopping/bathroom cleaning, although I may also save that for tomorrow
+ reading
+ writing

Should go somewhere and do something, but don't really have desire to do so. Dunno, may change mind by this afternoon, in which case, plans will change. Nice thing about weekend is that plans can change.

Am signed up for two days of training next week and two more two weeks from now; training should be good, I think, although timing is unfortunate due to TAKS test nearly being on us. Mock TAKS grades were mostly good, though, with the vast majority of my kids scoring in the passing range, some in the 65-68 range, and then some, gods-of-testing-help-us-all, as low as 28. I can't fix that.

Fannishly, am attempting to download all tv I missed this week due to not wanting to bother, ie CSI, One Tree Hill, The OC, and also the entire season to date of Supernatural, which I've seen but want to see more than once. Is going slowly. Numb3rs this week was a rerun, but one I'd managed to miss and enjoyed quite a bit, so that was all good. Loved the look on Charlie's face when Don was talking to the kid at the end; I think he'd quite enjoy being Uncle Charlie. Also enjoyed SG1 and SGA last night, although as usual I had no idea what was going on on SG1 and spent most of my time contemplating how much Daniel and Cameron look alike and squeeing over Janet and Martouf (sp?), whom it was quite nice to see again. Actually, Daniel/Cameron would be a very pretty pairing. Am finding it very disconcerting that I actually have enjoyed the last two SGA's more than the last two SG1's, in spite of finding Rodney rather obnoxious and completely lacking in sex appeal, so my usual contemplation during that show is "why?" directed at most of SGA fandom. Should Rachel Luttrell ever put out a CD, I think I would buy it in a heartbeat. Also, wtf was up with Carson's "I'm a doctor, I can't just let her die?" Hasn't he ever heard of a DNR? If it's the patient's desire to die a natural death, he damn sure can let her die with dignity, and I don't think there are many doctors who'd argue that on legal or moral grounds, although some might not like not interfering. Also, I <3 Zelenka. And totally didn't see the climax coming. Thought it was a cool twist on things, though.

Whee, NSync is on my music!

And now Will is up, so I think I'll use that as my excuse to go get a few things done. Possibly more spam later as the situation in my brain warrants.

being an adult, pets, school, television

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