Dear world . . .

May 27, 2005 21:30


School is officially over.  Except for the bit where I have to go to the high school Tuesday to reinvent the wheelcurriculum.  But seeing as how I get paid extra and it's only for a morning, I think I'll survive.

Mom took Will and the girls out to the lake for the weekend.  I'm going to be joining them on Memorial Day, but until then, I have a child-free, mostly responsibility-free weekend.  I'm feeling oddly melancholy about the whole thing--or about something, anyway.  Life.  Failure.  Loneliness.  Am feeling like a big whiner.

In a not-exactly-successful attempt at retail therapy, I bought four manga (Saiyuki 8, Tokyo Babylon 7, Descendants of Darkness/Yami no Matsuei 5, and Get Backers 9), plus Sandra Cisneros' The House on Mango Street, which seems to be brought up in every English-teaching conference I go to but which I've never read.  I figure it's about time.  Also, I bought some shorts and shirts at Walmart and a new car tire at the place I went to get my oil changed and inspection because the tire was separating.  From what, I don't know, but I decided $65 for a new tire was better than dying a horrible death from tire blow-out on the highway.

Hopefully, plans for this weekend include removing weeds from garden, sleeping a really lot, and writing.  I have a cues prompt, a free verse challenge prompt, and a sentinel challenge story to write--although I don't have the sentinel prompt yet.  Am a little anxious about the writing; I haven't been able to get my brain to work in a writerly way recently.  I wonder a bit if it's because of the paxil; my concentration is shot.  I can't keep a train of story in my head for any amount of time.  I'm hoping to force the issue.

Oooh, Numb3rs rerun!  Have we ever seen Charlie drive? Have we seen Alan worry about Don's love life?  And, seriously, Charlie can't lie for crap.  Also, graph theory?  There are theories about graphs?  The world is a strange place, Horatio.

Huh.  The virus looks almost exactly like one of the weeds in my garden.

Anyway, I think I'll finish watching Numb3rs and think about heading to bed.  Mmm, sleep.

pmdd, life as we know it, will, manga, school, television

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