Jun 10, 2010 21:13
Do dogs get chiggers? Or maybe I should say, do chiggers like dogs? Brenna is itching like crazy in certain spots, and it's early for her next flea medicine. Doesn't mean it couldn't be fleas; this is summer in Texas, after all. But all the humans here are eaten up by chiggers, so I started wondering if maybe she was, too.
I'm going to dose all of the animals anyway. I've put it off a few days, so now it's only about 4-5 days early, which I think is okay. It just causes such DRAMA and ANGST and OH MAMA HOW COULD YOU (not to mention I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR FACE OFF from BJ-the-antisocial-cat). *sigh* If only animals understood the "it's for your own good, now suck it up" argument.