(no subject)

Aug 03, 2008 21:32

Today has been a day of sleeping (what else is new?), reading Traitor's Moon (Nightrunner #3 by Lynn Flewelling), betaing a friend's novel, playing a bit of Sims2, and trying to find the cheapest source of 120 or so used tennis balls on eBay. I really should do other stuff, such as laundry, more betaing, and ... well, other stuff. Not sure how much is going to happen.

This week is fairly empty, though, so I've got time. Tuesday we're meeting my friend T to go to an outlet mall and get school clothes. Will needs a bunch of shirts and a couple of pairs of jeans. Although I'm not specifically looking for myself, if I run across two "first day appropriate" outfits--that is to say, dressier than what I'd normally wear, plus cool and comfortable--I'll get them. I also want to invest in some shoes that are both reasonable attractive and good for/to my feet. I usually go the Payless route and get whatever cheap wide-width shoes they have in my size, but I'm convinced that more comfortable shoes would make me a happier camper at the end of the day.

Friday, if not before, we need to make a library run; either Saturday or Sunday we'll have Will's family birthday lunch (must check w/ Mom as to which day is most convenient, since it doesn't matter to us one way or the other). Aside from those few things, the week is open to stuff. So, because I like lists, here's what I really need to get accomplished between now and, say, the 18th, when I have to report back for inservice:

--Will's bday lunch, including buying or making a cake, whichever he wants
--Will's bday itself, when we're going to go out and do a few things (movies, spending his bday money, maybe something else?)
--Will's schedule and book pick-up on the 15th
--shopping with T
--betaing the novel (by this weekend)
--come up with idea for SPN story (and start writing it)
--procure tennis balls and cut openings in them--by which I mean, pay Will to cut openings in them
--apply tennis balls to desks--by which I still mean pay Will to do this
--go up to the school and get my room ready
--get at minimum a rough sketch of what I want to do the first weeks
--if possible, (meaning if I'm not too lazy) do a really indepth plan for the first nine weeks and a sketch of the year
--reread Rules of the Road and plan what I want to teach there
--rip Love and Logic cd and listen to it by the 11th, when I need to return it to J.R.
--go to training on the 11th, which J.R. is conducting (convenient, that)
--read Positive Discipline in the Classroom and Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
--do something about the curtain situation if there's enough money left over to buy fabric**
--um--maybe find time to decide if I really want to record those VHS tapes onto my computer? Because on the one hand, yes, and on the other hand, how often do I watch the DVDs of TV shows that I already own? Practically never.
--get back into an exercise routine
--all the other stuff I'll suddenly decide *must* be done the weekend before school starts

**I am bizarrely afraid of attempting to make curtains on my sewing machine. Mainly because I don't know how to use my sewing machine, but also because I don't know anything about buying fabric and don't want to mess up, therefore making my money be wasted. They're just five little 4x3-ish windows; they shouldn't cause the amount of worry that they have. To say nothing of the fact that I've been in that room eight years and haven't done anything about it.

life as we know it, will, school

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