(no subject)

Jun 09, 2008 19:21

Today I:
--did not in any way stick to my diet *until* dinner, when I did
--took Lucy to be spayed (vet called, she's fine, staying over night as is usual)
--set up appt for Brenna to go in tomorrow when we pick up Lucy**
--took Will to McD's for breakfast and Books-a-Million to read a bit
--also got a new soaker hose from wal-mart, the good pencil sharpeners, and those things you put in your veggie drawer that keep veggies fresh
--got shoes replaced at Academy--no problem even w/ lack of receipt, which makes me quite likely to go back as needed, esp. since the salesperson I talked to the first time we were in there was helpful and seemed knowledgeable and the prices were decent (although minus points for the insole being missing in the first place)
--went to Best Buy and then Target looking for a refill for my DVD-cleaning machine--found at Target
--saw Indiana Jones and enjoyed it***
--took a nap

Still to do: write Junebug Challenge story, do laundry...probably not much else.

**Brenna has a tumor/cyst/something in her stomach. The vet said to watch it to see if it grew; I'm not sure but I think it might be bigger. So I figured we'd get it checked out; at the receptionist's suggestion, I'm not feeding her tomorrow morning in case they decide to remove the tumor/whatever. Good thoughts appreciated as I'm a little worried.


Although I'm not sure the aliens--excuse me, interdimensional beings--weren't jumping the shark a bit. Still, Harrison Ford still has it, Karen Allen was *awesome* as Marion, Shia LeBeouf did a great job, and it was *fun*. Even if they did steal from National Treasure and both Mummy movies.

life as we know it, movies, pets

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