Oct 26, 2007 21:04
Nothing caps off your day like a film about what to do when there's a school shooting (answer: grab any kids in the hall, pray that the kids you grab aren't shooters, lock the door, get everyone on the floor where they're not in line of sight to the door or windows, and try to keep them calm and quiet and not on their cell phones, because the last thing in the world that we need is frantic parents running into the school and getting shot). Did you know that standing orders are for the cops to take out the shooter before stopping to help anyone, even if they pass the person and the person is bleeding? I mean, yeah, makes sense, but nevertheless a sobering thought. Makes me want to brush up on my First Aid skills. In fact, that may be a summer project.
We also saw a film on how to handle infectious wastes. Tip: do not flush out your eyes with bleach.
No, seriously, this was something they felt the need to warn against in this film, which is aimed at college-educated adults.
I have to grade essays again this weekend. This idea depresses me. Not that I expect them to be bad, but because I am so, so tired of work. I really need a day off.