New drabble-plus

Sep 14, 2007 17:42

Written for the choc_fic CoC Multifandom Love-A-Thon, in spite of the fact that Kurdy wasn't talking to me. Which, sadly, shows in both the length and quality of the fic. And yet I'm posting it anyway.

Title: Inevitable
Author/Artist: Katie/kaethe
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for the end of season 2, if anyone still cares.
Word count: Really, really short (303 words)
Summary: September 14: 6. Jeremiah, Kurdy: Character sketch - "Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, / The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere / The ceremony of innocence is drowned" --William Butler Yeats, from "The Second Coming."
A/N: This will make no sense if you're not familiar with _Jeremiah_ canon.

Kurdy often thought that the major difference between Jeremiah and him was their ages when the Big Death came. Kurdy had been too young to remember much of life Before. Hazy, fleeting images made up most of his recollections. What stood out vividly was either unimportant or heart-breaking: bright-colored candies, a TV show about cars that turned into robots, the last argument his parents ever had. He was more a man of the present than the past. As for the future, he was beginnning to believe that there might be something there worth fighting for.

Jeremiah, on the other hand, carried the past around with him like an overstuffed knapsack. Kurdy could almost see him bending over under the weight of the mystery--and worse, the knowledge--of what happened to his father. He fought for the future, too, but it was a matter of stubbornness rather than faith.

Kurdy wanted to live for the future; Jeremiah seemed willing, sometimes even eager, to die for it.

That difference in their world view had sent Kurdy running. He was a survivor. He didn't chase after people with death wishes. He cut his losses and went his own way and stayed alive. It was a strategy that had always served him well. Only this time, he kept being pulled back. His promise to Elizabeth, his work for Marcus, Jeremiah's request for help--no matter how hard he fought, he always ended up back at Jeremiah's side.

And so, finally, he bowed to the inevitable. He and Jeremiah, no matter how different they might be, were still stronger together than they were apart. As they stood side by side between two armies and tried to stem the bloody tide that threatened to wash them away, Kurdy felt something that had been sorely lacking in the past few weeks: hope.

jeremiah, writing, fan fiction, ficathon

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