Of ficathons and manbands

Aug 05, 2007 20:48

If you're not aware, choc_fic is doing a characters of color ficathon, with prompts for every day in the month of September. There are a lot of fandoms I don't know, but that seem popular anyway (DC Comics, for example). And then, there's HP, Atlantis/SG1, Dr. Who/Torchwood . . . tons of stuff. And even a few of my favorite-fandoms-that-ten-people-or-less-in-the-world-watched, like Fastlane and Jeremiah. Lots of fun characters and ideas. Y'all should sign up.

I lost the link to the other CoC-related ficathon . . . had something about "possibly innapropriate" or something in the name? Should anyone happen to know where that was, I'd be grateful. I have an urge to Howie (Dorough)/somebody. And maybe a different Kurdy/Jeremiah story from the one I'll write for the other ficathon, because I haven't done a single story for my 100 prompts table, and doing double duty wouldn't hurt anything.

Speaking of Howie, I watched the Manband thingy on the VH1 website. Observations:
A) Chris's house is magnficent. I want to live there (or one just like it, although the addition of Chris would be a huge bonus).
B) I recognize Chris's voice. This makes me squee in a manner totally inappropriate for my age.
C) I still don't know who the guy with the baby is or the guy who's recovered from cancer.
D) I couldn't help but roll my eyes when the recovered-from-cancer guy had to reclaim his masculinity by making comments about the manager/record exec's breasts. He may end up being called Jackass for the rest of the season, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. One crappy (extended) comment doesn't necessarily mean that he's a complete ass. Maybe.
E) To be fair, the rest of them either laughed or added comments, so they're all skirting on the edge of jackass territory. Even Chris.
F) Did Chris actually say he was an alcoholic? Was he being serious and is this something that was public knowledge?
G) "I know where I sing. Back up." Oh, Chris. I don't know if I want to laugh or hug you. (Disclaimer: in real life, I would be terrified to even speak to you, much less hug you.)
H) I also rolled my eyes when the manager/record exec suggested a "Native American ceremony", but given that it it was performed by people who seemed to take it seriously and the guys seemed to take it serioiusly, it was actually an interesting thing and meaningful thing to do.
I) Is it me, or does Chris seem to be taking a leadership role?

manband, ficathon

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