Sometimes? Irony just bites you in the butt

Apr 08, 2007 16:54

Or should that be "on the butt"?

Anyway: have been productive today--Easter lunch w/ Mom and step-family, set strawberries, apples, and blueberries in the dehydrator, am doing laundry. Have skimmed a couple of fanfics in an attempt to avoid writing my own, but nothing is holding my interest. Am thinking about giving the whole thing up and reading the book that we may be doing for Pre-AP summer reading this year (Rules of the Road by Joan Bauer). Yesterday I made casseroles, took a long nap, read fanfic, and caught up on FNL for the last two weeks. I adore that show. Does anyone know if there's news about renewal/lack thereof? I would be sad to lose my weekly dose of Tim and Billy and Landry . . . which, yes, I notice that only one of them tends to be on weekly, but the rest of the cast makes up for when Billy and Landry aren't there.

The girl-cat has clawed me to shreds lately in various attempts to avoid her fate--I mean, take her medicine and be put on a separate feeding schedule from the boy-cats. All of this in the hopes of solving her urinary issues. Which, you know, if she hadn't gotten in the first place, I wouldn't be typing with a sore palm from the huge scratches she dug there.

Tomorrow, I have no school, which is totally awesome. Less awesome is the fact that I have school again on Tuesday and for eight more weeks. Assuming I don't strangle any of the little turkeys children, because that would probably make summer break happen a lot faster. And for a lot longer, too; permanently, for instance.

Oh, well, I think I'll go grab a cup of tea or hot chocolate and see if this book is going to work as a summer assignment. Hopefully it will, because other than this one, I got nothing.

books, family, pets, fnl, school, television

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