New Year

Jan 01, 2003 21:38

So. I'm actually posting! Go me.

'Tis a new year. Resolutions first:
  • I'm going to write more original fic. I even have an idea, and kaytee4ever gave me a link to out_lines, which should help me get my characters developed. They're interesting guys, even if I don't have names for them yet.
  • I'm going to be more social. It occurs to me that my habit of saying hi to my friends approximately every month and a half is not a good way to maintain friendships. I'm thankful that they put up with me, but I need to do better.
  • I'm going to finish "Walk Through the Valley" and "Revenge". (Yes, that was part of last year's resolution, but I *did* finish two of the stories I resolved to finish, so . . . go, me!

And now, retrospective:
This has been a year of changes. My aunt died. My nephew came to live with me. My nieces are going to be adopted by their foster family. I decided I liked my job (mostly). My mom has gone on actual dates. My brother has held onto a job for more than a week. As I said in a (much) earlier post, almost everything I've been waiting for in the past ten years or so has happened, and I'm more or less free to . . . raise a kid. Hmm. Life is strange.

Am feeling rather crappy atm. Whateverthehell's wrong with my reproductive organs was feeling better for a while, so I took TK out to the lake/pond and we walked around. Was fun. Was in pain by the time we got done. Have not yet recovered, even though that was, like, Friday or Saturday. Vioxx doesn't seem to be working as well as it was, although it's the "off" week on the birth control, so I may just be experiencing pre-menstrual inflammation or something. Whatever it is, it sucks. And something, probably the Vioxx, causes roving waves of nausea. Which also sucks. And two doctors can't find anything unusual, and I suspect they may be coming up with a diagnosis of 'hypochondria'. Which, yeah, I am, but I'm also cheap. I don't go to the doctor unless I'm sure there's something wrong that won't fix itself, because I just don't have the money to pay for the visits (even at a $15 copay, they can be expensive), the prescriptions, etc. Argggh.

Have been reading actual published novels recently. Am rereading Harry Potter series (have finished 1-3), and also reread Villains by Necessity by Eve Forward, Fool's Errand by Robin Hobb, and am about to read Diplomatic Immunity by Lois McMasters Bujold and Jennifer Roberson's Tiger and Del series. Also ordered next in Robin Hobb's series--can't recall the name, maybe Fool's Gold?-- from SF bookclub even though I shouldn't spend the money. Wonderful books, although her Assassins series definitely needs to be read first to get the full impact. Have thoroughly enjoyed reading non-fanfic.I'd forgotten how fun it could be, not to mention how much easier on the eyes not to be staring at a computer screen. Must remember it's also much more expensive than fanfic, plus there's the issue of four people's belongings in a two-person house, and how I'm trying to get rid of stuff, not add to what I've got. Buying books = bad Katie.

Got to spend both Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve/Day with the girls. TK has gotten into the spirit of actually playing with them, rather than sitting around playing video games while they play together. Am glad. This is the first holiday we've really gotten to spend together in several years, and the first one where the tension level didn't seem as high as usual. Was good. Hopefully will be a harbinger of things to come.

Am going to go try to find something that will either settle my stomach or make me throw up. As I rarely throw up, I'm hoping for the former. May return later.

books, nyr, health, will, holidays

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