
Sep 09, 2006 13:19

Dear Walmart,

If you want me to pay my credit card bill, you're going to have to A) let me have access to the account info online and/or B) have your service center open and/or C) let me have access to my account info over the phone. Because I know the amount is ~30.00, but I don't know the exact amount to pay off. Now, I will grant you the account is closed, but since you still expect payment, I still expect access.

You suck,

Dear Sears,

I no longer owe you my soul!


Dear Wells Fargo,

As much as I hate writing and mailing a check for $1.20, I'm still quite happy that it wasn't more. You no longer own my soul, either.

It's been real,

Three more credit cards done or nearly done! I'm getting there.


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