Mar 29, 2006 20:47

I am in a fowl foul mood. Damn PMDD. And students were asshats today, griping about one teacher and spreading rumors about another and generally being in snappy moods with each other, and I wasn't in a patient mood to deal with it. And then there was the kid who was walking up the stairs announcing in a loud voice that she was going to get a shirt that said something about "my eyes are up there" (ie get your eyes off my boobs) because she was saying the teacher some of the kids were spreading rumors about was staring at her chest. Which barely exists, but anyway . . . her being a kid who lives for drama and dresses in the tightest, most revealing clothes possible, I was left with an extreme desire to smack her. Instead, I just told her to quit talking that way, and if she didn't want people to stare, maybe she should zip up (her sweater/shirt/whatever was zipped down between her breasts, and the undershirt just barely covered the top of them). Not that this would excuse the teacher if he were doing anything wrong, but he wasn't. She was spreading rumors that could get the man fired just to get attention. It makes me sick.

And while we're at it, I'm asexual. I don't get turned on by body parts, but I'm here to tell you, when a kid comes up to you with blouse so low-cut you can't help but see down to their belly-button or leans forward in their desk and they're wearing low-cut jeans and baby-doll tees and you can see their butt-crack? It's hard not to notice. It's hard to look anywhere else because OMG it's just RIGHT THERE. So, while I'd never excuse anyone from acting on sexual thoughts based on the grounds that a person was dressed like they were acting for it, the fact is that people who aren't asking for it shouldn't be dressing like they're advertising. What the hell do you *think* people are going to be thinking of when they see your boobies/butt/whatever, their taxes?

And another thing--whose damn idea was it that kids needed to be free thinkers anyway? What they really need is a vital lesson in how to both hear and listen to instructions, constructive criticism, and correction when they're wrong without getting an attitude. They need to learn that sometimes shutting up and sitting down is as important as standing up and speaking your mind, and they need to learn how to distinguish between the two. And by all that's holy and sacred and whatever, they need to learn that if it's not contributing to the good of the world, they really, really, REALLY don't need to keep going on about it.

And also, that it's illogical in the extreme to call inanimate objects gay. It's offensive to use gay as an insult when talking about people (and offensive to me to assume I'm stupid enough to think they meant happy when they said it), but it's just plain STUPID to apply that term to an inanimate object, which couldn't possibly fit any definition of gay that exists. I am really, really tired of dealing with that issue.

And this issue.

And gum. I want to get my hands on Santa Anna and that other guy and wring their scrawny necks for ever inventing gum.

And sagging. I don't *really* want to send the damn kids to prison and let them find out what they're really advertising, but it would be so nice not to ever have to tell another kid to pull 'em up.

Mostly? I just want kids to stop being so stupid. I know that's part of being kids, but couldn't they at least take a break once in a while? Or maybe not be so aggressively, arrogantly offensive about it?

pmdd, rant, sexuality, school

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