1. What is your SCA Name? Adelheid von Katzenellenbogen Registered name? Adleheid von Katzenellnebogen
2. What time and where do you portray? Typically, 1360's or so, german-German-GERMAN, I tells you!
3. In plain English describe your device. It's an eight-part pinwheel, black with gold ermine spots alternating with gold with black ermine spots. I love that I was able to actually register a four-word device in the AS 30's (Gyronny, Erminois and Pean is the passed blazon :)
4. How long have you been in the SCA? 12/13 years I think
5. Do you have any special titles you have earned? There are those who call me... Tim?
6. What kingdom and local group do you belong to? An Tir
7. Do you have preferred colors for your SCA Persona? My unwholesome passion for all things tacky is constantly at war with the fact that my device is part black (and last I checked, *everything* comes in black, yet very few people make orange anything. Sigh).
8. What is your war that you look forward to going to every year? When I've gone to AnTir/West, I've had fun...
9. Do you hold any offices? I delivered a baby while publishing the Crier. No, really - in between contractions. Ah, the joys of late submissions...
10. Favorite memory from an event? Thorin's 50th birthday was a good one.
11. Are you a fighter? As soon as my armor gets here (any day now...).
12. Are you crafty (making things)? I am crafty. Bwahahaha (kept from
13. Do you teach classes at events? I have
14. Do you play instruments at events? Now that would be a hoot - a vintage '60s red sparkle drum kit at an event! But I have played drums of various sorts at events (and NO!!! I have never played, nor *shall* I ever play with the Thunder-people. I mean, really; there's this thing, and it's called a beat, and I kind of like having one...)
15. Do you dance at events? Medieval dance is mostly dead boring.
16. Do you feel that there is enough flirting and chivalrous behavior in the SCA? There's too much overblown stage-chivalry, and not enough of the real deal. I liked
otherwind's answer.
17. Are you a "Black Hat" or a "White Hat"? Probably white, although there are some who say I 'use my power for evil.'
18. What is one of the reasons you've remained in the SCA? Where else would I have the opportunity know you crazy people. (kept from T's again)
19. What peerage(s) do you aspire to? I aspire to do cool shit.
20. Who was Crown when you joined the SCA? Thorin and Sineidin were the first I knew about.
21. If you are a Peer, who was the Crown that elevated you?
22. Have you lived in more than 1 kingdom and which ones?
23. Have you helped found a group? I helped resurrect the College of St. Bunstable.Tacky Tourney, Baby!
24. Have you had any house affiliations? I was a charter member of the (now defunct) Amberhaven. Not a founder - that was the people who lived there.