I'm hard at work on a bustle outfit for my friend Chris for this weekend's guild outing. I started completely from scratch since this is a new era for her, so what I have done is a few of the undergarments. These were very hurriedly taken pics (and therefore not the best lighting) but you'll get the idea. :)
Shift from Laughing Moon 100, made from buttery soft cotton voile I got from
Bustle Petticoat with Wire Frame (TV101) from cotton muslin:
(We're pretending this one is done even though the hem needs another pressing and I still have to sew on the waist closure.)
I've also got an overskirt complete, but I want to keep the outfit a surprise for Saturday.
Today I'm wrestling with sleevils. Chris is very petite, so I'm now on my third redraft of the sleeve pattern for the bodice. Hopefully third time's a charm! I also found out that the fabric I want to use for the bodice and underskirt was terribly off-grain, so I'm giving it a good wash and dry in the hopes that with the sizing removed it'll be useable. I seriously wonder what's going on at the fabric mills when they're finishing off the fabric and getting ready to fold it onto bolts. This is the worst off-grain mess I've seen in a long time. Cross your fingers for me, because I don't have a backup plan!