(no subject)

Jan 24, 2016 22:23

Okay, so, I feel bad not having written anything yesterday but yesterday was super busy!

I got an eye exam, so I could get a second pair of glasses, so that if I fall and break my glasses again at least I'll have spares. My prescription's changed a smidge, apparently. I like the new glasses, although I was kind of sad I didn't have the guts to get the bright green ones. (As I told the saleswoman, "I like them because they make me look like a supervillain! But. I probably shouldn't look like a supervillain at the office.")

Stopped off and got three sets of keys made from my dad's spare set. I will be finding places to put them so I WILL NEVER GO KEYLESS AGAIN.

Picked up a package from the post office! I ordered tteok (Korean rice cakes) so I could re-make some dishes I've made through Blue Apron. I feel super lazy having bought them online rather than going across town to get them, but in my defense when I say "across town" I mean way the hell across town. Anyway, I have a small supply of rice cakes for delicious food preparation. (They're not like those dry rice cakes you might be familiar with -- they're more like... noodles? or dumpling dough? IDK, they don't have an exciting flavor or texture but they're good mixed in with spicy meat and veggies and sauce.)

Then I called the restaurant where my grandmother took us and they HAD MY KEYS. My dad volunteered to fetch them for me (I was going to take the train out otherwise) and I will have them back probably Tuesday. In the meantime I have to rely on Paul to let me into/out of the office at least tomorrow morning, but Paul was understanding. Also, last time I lost the office keys he uh, sent me off with his and had me make like six spares. (The only nearby keymaking place I could find in the Loop was called the Key to Time; I assume this is what the White Guardian does when he's not running the nicer half of the universe.)

Today I picked up meds, gave Walgreens my new insurance information, and as a treat I went to a restaurant for lunch. This is silly but I get weirdly anxious being alone in public in places people usually go in groups/with friends (like the movies or restaurants) so doing that felt like an accomplishment. I also picked up a Star Wars action figure, because I Deserve Nice Things, and Finn is the nicest, although the action figure's face looks about 500% done with your bullshit. (They had a Poe but not a Rey at that Walgreens; if they'd had all three I probably would have gotten them all. Maybe I will nab Poe and order Rey on Amazon? They also had a Leia, though. Hmm. Well, next time I go to Walgreens I will evaluate my options. I do need toothpaste.)

So yeah, I guess this weekend was okay.

My therapist wants me to do some kind of memorial thing for Archie but everything in me is very much NO YOU CAN'T partly because if my parents ever found out they'd think I was totally unstable. Like, my mom is all "it's okay, you can cry!" right now but she has a strict time limit on being sad about a thing, and once you've passed it or you've exhausted your mom-mandated sadness energy she gets pissed off that you're hogging all the sad. And also, like. I don't even know what I'd do, and I just have so much shit to do right now that I can't afford to be weepy, and I sure as hell can't be weepy at work because while Paul's been understanding we have clients who are going through a lot and those conversations always go better when I can be sympathetic but calm and detatched and like, right now the client whose brother just died after about a thousand repeated horrible shitty things happening? If she starts crying I will cry too, and then she'll feel terrible. I can't do that. Also, on a practical level I keep fucking running out of kleenex.

Blah. I don't know.

The Undertale mob AU has been going splendidly despite the fact that I'm not totally sure where it's going right now. As I said on FFA, I'm enjoying the excuse to string a bunch of dumb jokes together and pretend it's a fic. I sat down and figured out everyone's ages in the AU today; they differ from the implied canon ages we have, mainly because I wanted Undyne to be a WWI veteran.

I start laying in supplies for the kid. At first I'm trying to do it without letting on to Papyrus that I know, but then Undyne briefs him about the upcoming expedition and suddenly he's telling me all about it -- all the fun he's gonna have and how excited he is to meet this human kid we gotta watch for a few days.

Papyrus… well, he could be good in a fight, hypothetically. But that's a very distant hypothetical. The real reason he's coming along is he's the best driver out of all of us. That's partly my fault; before we came to Ebott we kinda had to keep moving, and sometimes we, uh, acquired various automobiles, you know, to aid us in that end. By the time he was twelveish he was taller than me, and pretty soon after that he could reach the pedals with ease and was getting us out of all kinds of scrapes. I'm still not entirely sure how we'd have survived that one thing in Kansas without him. (Just to set the record straight: it was a pigeon, not a chicken, and there was only one of 'em, and I wasn't there, and I don't know anything about it, and I have it on good authority that Papyrus was fifteen states away at the time. But he sure saved our sorry asses there.)

Anyway, Papyrus is a great driver. He even had a chauffeuring gig once, and boy did he love it, but apparently he was too loud or some bullshit and they fired him. He was pretty broken up about it for a while there. I guess it's a good thing he can put his skills to use for a good cause these days, although I think the restaurant keeps him pretty happy. I hope so, anyway. He's a good kid.

So the Dreemurrs want him along to drive. He'll wait in the car -- Undyne makes sure of that. It always makes me a little tense, but so far they've never been caught. And he's got the city maps memorized, including all the little shortcuts and alleyways no one else remembers. One time he even got us onto Lowest Kaluszka, which is the road that runs under Lower Kaluszka and Lower Lower Kaluszka, and which I had assumed, until then, was a myth.

He is… very excited about the human kid's extraction -- or "rescue," as he keeps saying. I think Toriel would agree with that assessment, but I ain't calling it that, on account of the kid is probably gonna like being held captive by a bunch of monsters even less than being held captive by a bunch of mobsters. And reading between the lines, here? I don't think we have the option to let the kid go free, either.

Anyway, I don't really have the heart to tell him that the human kid is not likely to be his "cool friend" and that we'll be lucky if the kid don't try and escape at least once. Sure, I want them to have a nice time while they're here, but I don't know if that's really possible, and no one's telling me anything about who this kid is or why they're such a windfall for wannabe DT distributors. And I'm not sure I wanna know, because to be honest, anything involving DT always sends a chill down my spine. Booze'll eat your liver if you got one, and dope fries your brains, but I only ever saw one thing melt a guy.

Once Papyrus is on board, supplies become easier to smuggle in. He draws up a long list of stuff we gotta do to make the apartment more hospitable, and a strict schedule of cleaning, organizing, and decorating to which I will almost certainly not adhere.

On Wednesday evening, Papyrus is sweeping for about the tenth time, and I am dozing on the sofa listening to the Friendliness™ Soap Flakes Spooktunes Hour on the radio. I have decided it's my day off, which is a conclusion I habitually reach at around 10:30 every morning, once I've established that nothing's gonna get done. I might pop out for spider donuts later, when Papyrus isn't looking. But then again, I might not. Mostly, I am planning a very funny routine for Friday night, which involves a stepladder, a squeegee, two buckets full of rubber cement, and every plate-glass window I can find on Summerwine Street. The cops are a tough crowd but I'm sure they'll find something to appreciate about my act if I can get them to stick around long enough.

There is a knock at the door, although to call it a knock is kind of like calling the Great Fire a weenie roast. "Papyrus!" It's Undyne. "Papyrus, come on, we gotta get going."

I rush to open the door before it shakes off its hinges. "It's happening!" she shouts, shoving me aside.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"The thing! The thing with the kid!" she says. "If we don't get going now we'll be way too late. Come on!" And with that, she grabs Papyrus, broom, frilly apron, and all, and tucks him under her arm.

"Wowie! I'm so excited!" I hear Papyrus say as she runs down the stairs.

"Hey, wait a minute!" I call after her, but it's no good. So I take a shortcut and meet her in front of the building. "Hey! Undyne!"

She's only mildly startled; she's used to this by now even if she don't know how I do it. "What?" she snaps.

"What about my part of the plan? They still need me?"

"I don't know, probably," she says, waving her free hand. She dumps Papyrus into the driver's seat of the car, a shiny Cadillac that goes through plates like it was a professional dishwasher. "Just go do… whatever it is you do." I see Woshua and Aaron in the back seat; I assume they got more monsterpower than that lined up for this little expedition. I hope so, anyway. "Let Alphys know we might need her," Undyne adds, before getting in herself. Then Papyrus floors it and they're gone.

Welp. Time to get my squeegee, I guess.
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