Jan 25, 2009 08:34
Well, basically I feel like rambling, so I'm going to tell you about my weekend.
So last week Greig (aka Little Short Man) and I went for a drive out to the Clevedon Markets for some plum sauce. Also, wine at 10am on a Sunday out in the country with some cheese looking at horses and goodness is awesome. Anyway, we made it too late for that and ended up in Kaiaua, which has just been voted as having the best fish and chips in New Zealand. No small feat. We at snapper by the sea. We had a couple beers at the local where Greig bought a raffle ticket to win some giant Harley Davidson motorcycle. I wish you could see Greig. The notion of him on a Fatbob is preposterous. Greig in leather? Hmm, no.
This weekend was the draw for the motorcycle, so we drove out to Waiuku which is south and west about an hour from town. Luckily I had a skull on my shirt, otherwise I don't think they would have let us in. There was an abundance of black, black leather and a surprising number of unicorn and single stemmed rose tattoos, and of course Greig and I. They sold quart bottles of beer at the bar for like $7, so we got a couple of those and blended right in. Anyway, it was fun. Then we went and looked at the sea and saw bunches of little quarter sized green crabs, and I cut my finger on a sharp rock trying to get at more crabs and I saw another beach I'd never seen before. Do you know how awesome that is? You could probably spend a lifetime visiting all the beaches around Auckland.
Then I drove home through Cornwall park and looked at the Waitak's in the distance and the Manukau Harbour and the sheep all over the place and the round abouts and the volcanic cones dotting the land and the crater I was parked next to and I got sentimental and sad. And then I came home and drank wine and had a solo dance party.
I'm really trying to find the motivation to clean my house basically because it has reached new and previously unknown levels of mess and disgust, but I just can't be bothered. I'd rather be outside. Beautiful sunny day, stay inside and clean? Or go outside and ride my bike, or go to the beach? So my house just gets messier.
So my new years resolution, which really began about September because that's when I actually start making changes in my life was to "Expose more flesh". Expose more flesh you say, like get on a pole and strip naked expose more flesh? Not quite. It's more like wear shorts, expose legs. I'm making great progress. I purchased two dresses I enjoy wearing and I'm going to buy another one today for a wedding I'm going to on Thursday. Really the expose more flesh mandate is about larger issues, like reducing levels of self hatred, increasing self confidence, accepting self, accepting my imperfections and knowing I'm more beautiful with them. The expose more flesh is just catchy and seems to sum all that up quite nicely. The first 8 months of last year were absolute shit. But the last 6 have been some of the greatest. I don't think that quite adds up, but I don't care. Viva la....viva?